tuesday morning..........my head hurts............im tired.........all i want to do is get my ass kicked to a bloody pulp........so i can sleep forever.....and not think or care or worry or love or hate....my profile picture is blurred....thats how i feel.....all blurred, like i dont even know who i am... my court date is in hours.....then i will be officially divorced.......woohoo........ive stopped carring..........probably so i wont hurt........instead im rather apathetic about the whole thing....blah.....who gives a shit........she certainly didnt.....she might say she did.....but she didnt.......so wherever she is right now, all i can say is fuck her........i loved... and now.........and now i dont know.....i have the tea party dvd playing in the background......
cheer up hun.. you arent alone... i @ least can promise that.