ah. it be tuesday night. arrr..
(pirate impression)
anyway. update time. if any one cares. went up to syracuse this weekend for drill. busted my ass. im not out of shape, but i definately need to be in better shape when i goto florida next month. holy crap. i go next month. wish it was tomorrow. oh well. i guess i can wait abit longer....
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(pirate impression)
anyway. update time. if any one cares. went up to syracuse this weekend for drill. busted my ass. im not out of shape, but i definately need to be in better shape when i goto florida next month. holy crap. i go next month. wish it was tomorrow. oh well. i guess i can wait abit longer....
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Man, it sounds like you need to get out of CT!
i haven't heard from you in awhile.. wondered how you were.
so eh.
cant sleep again. my anxiety is back once more. it was gone for a better part of the week. then i had the damn day off today. too much time to myself. to much time to think again. so eh. trying to not let it bother me though. trying to distract myself, trying to think differently. (thats what i have been learn'n in...
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cant sleep again. my anxiety is back once more. it was gone for a better part of the week. then i had the damn day off today. too much time to myself. to much time to think again. so eh. trying to not let it bother me though. trying to distract myself, trying to think differently. (thats what i have been learn'n in...
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i think its something in the CT air lately..
i cant sleep for shit either.. and i know quite a few other CTians that are having our problem..
feel better dear.. dont let shit get to ya so much!!
i cant sleep for shit either.. and i know quite a few other CTians that are having our problem..
feel better dear.. dont let shit get to ya so much!!

update time once again........
now my mind is blank and i had so many things to say. darn.
so this is where i am right now. i am on medication. i goto "therapy" once a week. which is good i think. im not to depressed right now. im apathetic. and im trying to not be. but i dont want to slip back into despair. that...
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now my mind is blank and i had so many things to say. darn.
so this is where i am right now. i am on medication. i goto "therapy" once a week. which is good i think. im not to depressed right now. im apathetic. and im trying to not be. but i dont want to slip back into despair. that...
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"see i try to look up
to the sky
but my eyes
its been one of those days again..
apathy and despair.
to the sky
but my eyes
its been one of those days again..
apathy and despair.
thank you for visiting!

figured i would write again...its already 5 in the morning...the nights go by quicker and quicker...
the world is a horrible place. found out that a good friend of a friend was raped the other night. i have no comment other than i feel physically ill thinking about it... damn. what a headtrip...
my hand is covered with wounds from work. small burns and cuts.....
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the world is a horrible place. found out that a good friend of a friend was raped the other night. i have no comment other than i feel physically ill thinking about it... damn. what a headtrip...
my hand is covered with wounds from work. small burns and cuts.....
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becuase you bugged me liv.
update time. has it been so long since i updated this thing. wow. not much is happening i guess. i goto work. i come home. i spend too many hours online.. was going to goto the SGCT lake thing, but my car broke down the day before. it still isnt fixed yet, but at least now it is driveable....
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update time. has it been so long since i updated this thing. wow. not much is happening i guess. i goto work. i come home. i spend too many hours online.. was going to goto the SGCT lake thing, but my car broke down the day before. it still isnt fixed yet, but at least now it is driveable....
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hmm.........its sunday night............
im sick............a little head cold or something........... nothing like the physical body feeling like crap to reiforce the mentals feeling like crap huh?........yea whatever.......i honestly feel very dead......drained of life and passion.......maybe its just the cold......im not sure though........went to the movies tonight.....(alone of course.....how sad...), saw the bourne supremacy..........just as capitvating as the first........i guess........i enjoyed it i guess.... forgot my...
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im sick............a little head cold or something........... nothing like the physical body feeling like crap to reiforce the mentals feeling like crap huh?........yea whatever.......i honestly feel very dead......drained of life and passion.......maybe its just the cold......im not sure though........went to the movies tonight.....(alone of course.....how sad...), saw the bourne supremacy..........just as capitvating as the first........i guess........i enjoyed it i guess.... forgot my...
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update, update!
c'mon, skip to!
c'mon, skip to!
[Edited on Aug 20, 2004 10:22AM]
[Edited on Aug 20, 2004 10:22AM]
collectively i am having the worst time of my life..........
its been one of the crappiest years i can remember........
i would love to shake the feeling of despair and depression........i would love for it to go away....
its been one of the crappiest years i can remember........
i would love to shake the feeling of despair and depression........i would love for it to go away....

You might want to reply to your journal comments in other peoples journals. They see them quickly and it's generally how people do things here..
ANYWAY -- You might be wondering why some random NYC girl is harassing you, but I'm stuck in Meriden this summer. & I will see you at Lake Compounce.
ANYWAY -- You might be wondering why some random NYC girl is harassing you, but I'm stuck in Meriden this summer. & I will see you at Lake Compounce.
havent updated in awhile..........
... i enlisted in the air guard. i leave for school in october. yay...... i do feel like a weight has sort of been lifted off me... i now have some sort of direction. not just floating around mindlessly in an abyss... im going to bumpershooot in seattle in september to see the pixies...then im going to also go to california...
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... i enlisted in the air guard. i leave for school in october. yay...... i do feel like a weight has sort of been lifted off me... i now have some sort of direction. not just floating around mindlessly in an abyss... im going to bumpershooot in seattle in september to see the pixies...then im going to also go to california...
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Do you think you'll be able to make it to Lake Compounce with SGCT?
i will try........i unfourtanetly dont know my schedule that far into the futer yet.......i will get back to the group if i can or cant.
hmmm..............when did life get so complicated i wonder?.......when did it go from peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and cartoons to wrecked emotions, broken hearts, hatred and anger?.....i wish i could start things over...or just cash what i have left in....sometimes it just all seems so pointless........i dont have a reason anymore...a purpose................im going to go brush my teeth and sleep perhaps....maybe life will make sense...
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however life may amke no sense...that in itself makes no sense.....do what ya will...make of it what ya want.