Before I start, go give one of my favorite girls, dirtyprettything some love. She's had a tough time but things are finally looking up for her. I can't be happier for her...I love you girlie girl!!!!
The sun is shining, its beautiful out, even though I'm pissed and hurt I can't seem to keep a frown. I'm going to see A History of Violence after work with my boy. Tonight is going to be our date night, since yesterday it was raining. I even wore a skirt and a nice bra and everything.
I'm kind of upset. At my work, the two days I was out with my mom in the hospital, well, they took them off as vacation days. Not as personal days or sicks days, but vacation. i'm like, WTF? It was not relaxing to sit with my mother that was was not like I was at the beach or anything. They didn't even tell me they did this. I had to find out by looking up my vacation time. They didn't even give me the option of working something else out. I get paid salary...I don't get overtime even though I work late most nights, I don't get a lunch break, but if I miss two days because of a FAMILY EMERGENCY they are quick to deduct the time. I'm really upset and hurt by this. Don't reassure me on the phone that everything was ok at work...because it obviously wasn't. They obviously don't care about me or my family. But my fucking manager goes away for conferences, only works until 2pm on those days, and spends the rest of the time sight is that fucking fair????
I'm just pissed. I'm sick of getting treated like crap. I'm sick of having to deal with the obvious difference between the managers and everyone else at my work. And the sad thing? There's only 3 of us that aren't managers and 4 people who are.....too many fucking cheifs....And this was just the last straw. I can deal with everything else....but I mom was fucking dying...DYING...and they couldn't just give me two days. I worked late everyday when I got back because I felt bad.....and you know....will that even count? Will they even notice? NO!
This is just eating me up inside. I give all this work and time to a job and I get nothing back...
My dad is getting me an interview with his friends company for a entry level marketing position...I wasn't initially going to look into it, but now I am. I want that interview more then anything right now. I need to work somewhere that I'm not emotionally attached to, because you know, i'm sick of being hurt by these people.
Whoo...that was alot to get off my chest. I feel better now. Just thinking about autumn thoughts...leaves...brisk nights....pumpkin....
I'm working dilligently on my purple gauntlets. The second one is just about done. As soon as they are finished and I can model both I will take pictures. I'm going to be all about the fingerless armwear this fall and winter. And I have my orange sweater with me to work on during the movie. See...I plan my knitting long before I go see a film, sometimes even a concert or a play. I need something I don't need to look at, that I can do mindlessly, that will not become destroyed if I drop an occasional stich.
I take my travel knitting very seriously.
How are you kiddies? Enjoying the weather?
I'm so excited...a giant squid has finally been captured on film alive!
Giant Squid photographed!
This is my favorite underwater animal...I'm absolutely fascinated by them, and its so cool they've finally been able to find one alive.

The sun is shining, its beautiful out, even though I'm pissed and hurt I can't seem to keep a frown. I'm going to see A History of Violence after work with my boy. Tonight is going to be our date night, since yesterday it was raining. I even wore a skirt and a nice bra and everything.
I'm kind of upset. At my work, the two days I was out with my mom in the hospital, well, they took them off as vacation days. Not as personal days or sicks days, but vacation. i'm like, WTF? It was not relaxing to sit with my mother that was was not like I was at the beach or anything. They didn't even tell me they did this. I had to find out by looking up my vacation time. They didn't even give me the option of working something else out. I get paid salary...I don't get overtime even though I work late most nights, I don't get a lunch break, but if I miss two days because of a FAMILY EMERGENCY they are quick to deduct the time. I'm really upset and hurt by this. Don't reassure me on the phone that everything was ok at work...because it obviously wasn't. They obviously don't care about me or my family. But my fucking manager goes away for conferences, only works until 2pm on those days, and spends the rest of the time sight is that fucking fair????
I'm just pissed. I'm sick of getting treated like crap. I'm sick of having to deal with the obvious difference between the managers and everyone else at my work. And the sad thing? There's only 3 of us that aren't managers and 4 people who are.....too many fucking cheifs....And this was just the last straw. I can deal with everything else....but I mom was fucking dying...DYING...and they couldn't just give me two days. I worked late everyday when I got back because I felt bad.....and you know....will that even count? Will they even notice? NO!
This is just eating me up inside. I give all this work and time to a job and I get nothing back...
My dad is getting me an interview with his friends company for a entry level marketing position...I wasn't initially going to look into it, but now I am. I want that interview more then anything right now. I need to work somewhere that I'm not emotionally attached to, because you know, i'm sick of being hurt by these people.
Whoo...that was alot to get off my chest. I feel better now. Just thinking about autumn thoughts...leaves...brisk nights....pumpkin....
I'm working dilligently on my purple gauntlets. The second one is just about done. As soon as they are finished and I can model both I will take pictures. I'm going to be all about the fingerless armwear this fall and winter. And I have my orange sweater with me to work on during the movie. See...I plan my knitting long before I go see a film, sometimes even a concert or a play. I need something I don't need to look at, that I can do mindlessly, that will not become destroyed if I drop an occasional stich.
I take my travel knitting very seriously.
How are you kiddies? Enjoying the weather?
I'm so excited...a giant squid has finally been captured on film alive!
Giant Squid photographed!
This is my favorite underwater animal...I'm absolutely fascinated by them, and its so cool they've finally been able to find one alive.
Hey knitting season is upon most now....
I hear there is this new store on like 22nd and bainbridge street. need to get some new yarn to start up again. As soon as the apples are made i will save you one and alert you ASAP. NO CHARGE, and trust me i don't ever share, so this is your clear notification that you are speacial