I'm freaked, and stressed, and I don't feel particularly well.
I thought, nievely, that my work was caught up last night. So I left some stuff to do today, so I wouldn't get bored. HA!!! I have about triple the amount to do sitting in front of me. And I can't even wrap my brain around how exactly I'm going to go about getting it done.
And I'm not the only one unhappy at my job. I spoke with a friend of mine here, and she's just as frustrated.
I need a big fucking drink tonight. Like, gallon size drink.
The only positive so far of this dreary day is I got my Amazon order. I ordered the Nina Nastasia cd that I was missing and American Skin by don DeGrazia. This is a really good book, one of my favorites. It's well written with an engaging story. I used to have a copy but it was stollen out of my car before I could finish it.
I flipped through a few pages and fell right back into it. The images were still so vivid in my mind.
I definately recomend it!!!
I need to quit smoking. I'm so stupid for even starting up again. Its just this stress, its eating away at my innards and making me nervous all of the time. Its not healthy to be this way.
I'm too annoyed to do my normal schtick. I want to be anywhere but here. Especially since I get a wet walk home after all this crap is through.
I thought, nievely, that my work was caught up last night. So I left some stuff to do today, so I wouldn't get bored. HA!!! I have about triple the amount to do sitting in front of me. And I can't even wrap my brain around how exactly I'm going to go about getting it done.
And I'm not the only one unhappy at my job. I spoke with a friend of mine here, and she's just as frustrated.
I need a big fucking drink tonight. Like, gallon size drink.
The only positive so far of this dreary day is I got my Amazon order. I ordered the Nina Nastasia cd that I was missing and American Skin by don DeGrazia. This is a really good book, one of my favorites. It's well written with an engaging story. I used to have a copy but it was stollen out of my car before I could finish it.
I flipped through a few pages and fell right back into it. The images were still so vivid in my mind.
I definately recomend it!!!
I need to quit smoking. I'm so stupid for even starting up again. Its just this stress, its eating away at my innards and making me nervous all of the time. Its not healthy to be this way.
I'm too annoyed to do my normal schtick. I want to be anywhere but here. Especially since I get a wet walk home after all this crap is through.
I hope your drink cheers you up, sometimes when I am in a foul mood, drinking (to excess mind you) makes it worse, but that's just me, and usually only from vodka (so don't pay any attention to me) Nevermind.
Wow, you have me very intrested in that book. I am going to Amazon right now to check it out. I am always on the prowl for a good recommedation. (you had your car broken into.... that SUCKS! :mad