I woke up pretty depressed. I had a killer headache, my lungs felt like lead and I wanted to stay in bed all day. I left for work a half an hour early and I was just thinking my day was going to be endless and depressing.
Two things happened to change this.
Last night I received a lovely gift from Slie. She sent me a Mariza cd from my Amazon wish list. This is just lush beautiful Fado music from Portugal. So heartfelt and rich, it makes me cry everytime. So I just treasure this gift and the thoughfulness that went into it. I am just amazed by the kindness of people, especially those I have from here.
Second thing. The man who fixes our copier at work is from Vietnam. He was 14 during the war, living in the middle of Saigon. He was telling me of how sad it was to see so many people killed on both sides. He connected with the American soldiers and moved to this country after the war. The way he described America with such hopefulness and optimism was touching. It was a really good conversation. I'm glad he came in, even though there was nothing wrong with our copier.
I'm not as depressed now. I've heard beautiful music this morning, I had a good conversation. I've realized not everyone out there is an asshole on a cellphone knocking me and my coffee over. There are people waking up this morning, working, doing very simple things, but infecting all around them with their optimism. Its beautiful, it really is.
Scent of the day: Thai Tea
Song of the day: "Barco Negro" by Mariza
This song makes my stomach quiver. Her voice is crystal clear and just sexy. I can't even describe it properly. And the Portugese language is just lovely to hear sung. I want to learn Portugese in the worst way. My closest friends are Portugese, so I grew up hearing it. Such a beautiful language, it really is.
I want to start my shawl tonight, so I can mindlessly work on it on the way to Sheep and Wool. I will, of course, take pictures as soon as it is done.
Have a good day all!
There is something going on with my body. I have a fever and the chills, my stomach is screwed up, I have this headache that won't go away and has moved into my neck. I can't stop clenching my teeth. I'm feeling faint and dizzy and Its hard for me to sit up. I'm shakey and my eyes keep getting blurry.
All i want to do is go home.
Two things happened to change this.
Last night I received a lovely gift from Slie. She sent me a Mariza cd from my Amazon wish list. This is just lush beautiful Fado music from Portugal. So heartfelt and rich, it makes me cry everytime. So I just treasure this gift and the thoughfulness that went into it. I am just amazed by the kindness of people, especially those I have from here.
Second thing. The man who fixes our copier at work is from Vietnam. He was 14 during the war, living in the middle of Saigon. He was telling me of how sad it was to see so many people killed on both sides. He connected with the American soldiers and moved to this country after the war. The way he described America with such hopefulness and optimism was touching. It was a really good conversation. I'm glad he came in, even though there was nothing wrong with our copier.
I'm not as depressed now. I've heard beautiful music this morning, I had a good conversation. I've realized not everyone out there is an asshole on a cellphone knocking me and my coffee over. There are people waking up this morning, working, doing very simple things, but infecting all around them with their optimism. Its beautiful, it really is.
Scent of the day: Thai Tea
Song of the day: "Barco Negro" by Mariza
This song makes my stomach quiver. Her voice is crystal clear and just sexy. I can't even describe it properly. And the Portugese language is just lovely to hear sung. I want to learn Portugese in the worst way. My closest friends are Portugese, so I grew up hearing it. Such a beautiful language, it really is.
I want to start my shawl tonight, so I can mindlessly work on it on the way to Sheep and Wool. I will, of course, take pictures as soon as it is done.
Have a good day all!
There is something going on with my body. I have a fever and the chills, my stomach is screwed up, I have this headache that won't go away and has moved into my neck. I can't stop clenching my teeth. I'm feeling faint and dizzy and Its hard for me to sit up. I'm shakey and my eyes keep getting blurry.
All i want to do is go home.

I hope you see the doctor, asap.
That sounds like something serious, I hope you're ok. Get well soon so we can talk more about clothes. I lost some weight and fell like shopping! I was even late for school yesterday because I was on here not looking at the time.