I left work two hours early because I felt like I was run over by a bus. I think I have a huge sinus infection. And, its in my eye too.
I woke up with my eye stuck to my pillow case. If that's not a disgusting way to wake up, I don't know what is.
I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow....
After washing my pillow cases like 5 times.
I woke up with my eye stuck to my pillow case. If that's not a disgusting way to wake up, I don't know what is.
I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow....
After washing my pillow cases like 5 times.
That's funny--I had described myself to a relative recently by saying I am "perpetually uncomfortable." Universally awkward or something. Do you feel that way? Or were you implying youth? Like I always feel like Welcome to the Dollhouse. But evolving into the 30's. I feel safer. I know how to do everything wrong. The challenge, which I find getting easier, is seeing how much easier it is to take different ways out. Wheras before it was all trials of errors. Does it make sense? Time tells I suppose.
The journey is perpetually strange, no?
I hope you are doing well, you deserve it.
I definitely feel this way minimum once a week. I recently had an all out war with my boss at work-he tried to fire me, turns out just because he had hired too many people and didn't know how to correct this. So he figured he'd just bump someone off & I fought him to the teeth. I don't want to say too much to jinx this---I'm NOT fired but I had to fight this asshole. Anyway long story short, one of his "reasons" for wanting to fire me was "nobody likes you." And I was like, you know even if that could be true (it certainly isn't), what kind of high school deja vu is it when someone thinks this is a rational response to anything? I don't know why that comes to mind as a relation, but on some days it feels like no one is ready to recover from the uncomfortableness of high school, etc and they take it everywhere.
I hope that wasn't train wrecking too bad. Life is crazy...such a constant battle of steering straight. I think ultimately the bottom line of everything, the best advice is to maintain a game face. That's it.
Lots of rambling. So how's your eye?
My vision is totally 20/20. I just love glasses so much I totally wear them. With no just cause outside fashion.