This is the second most sad death of the year. I nearly cried when I heard it.
I love...well...loved this man! Being the nerdy person I am I grew up enamoured with Ripley's Believe it or Not. (and I cannot speak to you if you are too young to remember this amazing show!)
And his stint as Dracula....freakin awesome!
I always had a major crush on him!
Although...of his recent performances...my favorite was definately the horny artist in Bagdad Cafe.
He will be sadly missed.
I feel like some part of my childhood is now gone.

and not to brag, but I make a kick ass vegan lasagna.
I agree, I speak so highly of the PS2 for continuing to put out games for the PS2 even though the PS3 is out, I want a 360..we both do, but it comes down to 360 or rent.
I will have to use that the next time someone says something about my armpits, "Why the hell are you looking at my armpits anyway?"