So I go to bed, wake up, and Blamo....new site! I'm so confused.
Anyway. Another week is over. There was much rain, much complaining about work to anyone who would listen, and much too much knitting. I've become mildly obsessed with my new project. Its insane how much I got done in a week.
I watched Infection on Starz on Demand ( since the cable company was nice enough to give us Starz for free...I mean we deserve something for paying through the nose) Anyway...creepy. A bit slow. Its a Japanese film about a...well...infection, that runs rampant through a hospital that is on the verge of being shut down. There's a lot of build up before anything actually happens, but once it gets going its a fun ride.
And last night my dear husband forced me to watch Buckaroo Bonzai. I'm surprised I had never seen it til now since I love me some Peter Weller, Jeff Goldblum and Clancy Brown. It was just.....weird. I'm sure everyone was on acid during the writing and filming. I watched the entire thing and I'm still confused. Why was he a musician? Why did they all carry guns, even when performing? Why were the two alien races rastafarian versus old white dudes? Were his band members scientists and musicians? Did they ever actually mention that he was a surgeon? So confused.
Yeah...uneventful week. If something eventful happens today I may post again tommorrow, even though this new layout is freaking me out. No sir, I don't like it.
And don't question the brilliance of Peter Weller as a rock & roll/scientist/doctor/interdimensional traveller!
you are sooooo crazy too!!!
i can't resist the stank ass bearded lure!!! what will i ever do with myself???!!!
i hate patcoulli, yet i yearn for it like crack...
what's up with that??!!
what are you up to this week... wanna catch a meal or drink 2gether??!!!
call my sexy ass!!