I'm back!
I'm married!
My husband is Apocalypse_Dude!
I have tons and tons of stories but they're all still jumbled up in my head. I'll fill in all the details later.
I did do the following:
- Spotted Criss Angel in the parking lot of the Aladdin
- Ate some great food
- Played my first round of roulette
- won $5 on a penny slot machine
- saw various tropical fish, coi, flamingos, lions, penguins, pheasants, ducks, and swans
- drank numerous pina coladas
- had a HUGE novelty drink at the Star Trek experience
- got my ear talked off by a very lonely captain
More later gators!
And thank you millions and millions to the wonderful Mercy and egon!! You are both great friends and I'm so happy I got to share such a special day with you!!!!
And hands down, the funniest moment of my entire trip was cramming all 6 of us into your mini cooper! Good lord was that funny!!!!
for one of my favorite people, Akira.
random lists:
Seven things I want to do before I die:
1. go to the San Diego zoo
2. move to Portland
3. get my bachelor's degree, then masters degree
4. meet Lewis Black and John Stewart
5. visit Japan (this seems like a common request)
6. Go to E3
7. have children and raise them right, not like most of those bastards walking the streets.
Seven things I can not do:
1. physics and chemistry
2. win at bingo
3. stay up for 3 days straight
4. speak Spanish
5. swim
6. do the tango
7. sing opera
Seven things that attract me to Portland, OR:
1. Everyone is friendly
2. the homesless population consists of hobos, not aggressive crackheads
3. the city is surrounded by 3 mountains
4. the hippie mentality everyone seems to have
5. great local businesses
6. Really good supermarkets
7. its not Philadelphia
Seven things I say most often:
1. what?
2. hey
3. you know
4. dude
5. fuck you
6. seriously?
7. damn
Seven books (or series) that I love:
1. Girl Interrupted
2. The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing
3. Yarn Harlot: Secret Life of a Knitter
4. American Skin
5. Weird Like Us
6. Fast Food Nation
7. We Owe You Nothing
Seven movies I watch over and over again
1. Hellboy (like every damn day. Its sad)
2. Anchorman (I don't care, I think its funny!)
3. Before Sunrise
4. The Village
5. 28 Days Later
6. Baraka
7. Last Temptation of Christ
Seven People chosen at random to take this:
I appreciate what you said about what I wrote about Sam, my mini-mart owner. Well at least they caught the bastard and I hope he's been gang fucked many times by now honestly, sorry.
Now that I am back with all of my babies, I could never give any of them up. Lourdes will be vacationing with close friends, esp if she is preggers, so she might leave for a while but my babies are so attached to me it's freaky! Yay! I am definitely going to get a dog if I get my job back though. You asked about that and I wrote about it this update. Thanks love. Hope to see you soon.