I have no luck. Seriously...none.
Last night my throat felt kind of scratchy and I had this dry cough. Right before I went to bed my head felt congested and I felt a bit nauseous. This morning, all hell's broken loose. I feel like I got runover by a car. My muscles and joints ache, I can't stand up without getting lightheaded, my throat is throbbing, I'm trying to cough and blow my nose but nothing wants to come out. Its just gross. And I'm royally pissed that its happening a week before my wedding...A FUCKING WEEK!!!!! I had to call out of work. So i'm not only missing a day of pay, I'm missing my beginner's class. It sucks. And Monday's its just me and my boss, so I know she's going to be really screwed not having me there. PLUS its happening a week before I miss an entire week of work.
I just want to punch every moron who came into my work sick. Because this is there fault for not keeping their gross germs at home.
This is the hands down worst thing about retail. your exposed to way more germs from way more different people then in any office, no matter how big!
I'm sure I had pleasant things to say too, but I'm too annoyed to remember any of them.
I'm going back to bed.
Last night my throat felt kind of scratchy and I had this dry cough. Right before I went to bed my head felt congested and I felt a bit nauseous. This morning, all hell's broken loose. I feel like I got runover by a car. My muscles and joints ache, I can't stand up without getting lightheaded, my throat is throbbing, I'm trying to cough and blow my nose but nothing wants to come out. Its just gross. And I'm royally pissed that its happening a week before my wedding...A FUCKING WEEK!!!!! I had to call out of work. So i'm not only missing a day of pay, I'm missing my beginner's class. It sucks. And Monday's its just me and my boss, so I know she's going to be really screwed not having me there. PLUS its happening a week before I miss an entire week of work.

I just want to punch every moron who came into my work sick. Because this is there fault for not keeping their gross germs at home.
This is the hands down worst thing about retail. your exposed to way more germs from way more different people then in any office, no matter how big!
I'm sure I had pleasant things to say too, but I'm too annoyed to remember any of them.
I'm going back to bed.
The Airborne stuff works. You just have to take it at the first sign of sniffles. I'll tell you what does work well; positive thinking.
If you keep telling yourself you're not sick, and you beleive it, you'll be fine. Mind over matter baby!
Try it!