I've decided I'm the world's worst feminist. I like porn, I like video games, and I like horror movies, and I cringe when I read feminist essays about any of those three topics.
My biggest gripe is that most of the essays I have read look at each industry as a whole and focus in on stereotypically negative images of women. For horror movies they always talk about the fact that girls are helpless, in videogames they talk about the unproportioned proportions of most female characters, in porn they usually focus on the fact that women are made to look like nothing more then sex toys for men. They never seem to mention the stronger women in each form of entertainment.
Please feminist scholars...don't write about things you know nothing about. If your going to write giant tirades about what a boys club the video game industry is at least have the sense to interview some real gamers. And this doesn't include the twits who only play World of Warcraft and the Sims. (which I played both, but not exclusively) And If I have to hear another dumb girl speak about how great Ms Pac Man was I'm going to shoot myself in the head. There are so many hardcore girl gamers out there. Look at me, I spend just as much time playing violent horror games as I do playing cute games like animal Crossing. I played both Doom and Quake religiously. I know that I'm not the norm, but throwing out statistics to sway the readers opinion that women do not like violent video games just pisses me off. And no, the frag dolls don't count...getting hot girls to play games as a marketing gimic should be against the feminist ideal, not a shining example of it.
And you know what games seem to be the most female friendly with stronger women characters....horror games.
Bitch magazine...this is for you...don't print a fucking article on feminism and video games without talking to REAL GAMERS! GRRRR!
Sorry...I needed to get that out. i'll go on my tirade on horror movies and porn later. Because call me crazy, but I think the strongest female characters I've seen have been in horror movies...because you know what...who always survives? The woman.
I watched Inside Deep Throat last night. The documentary about the porno that changed the world. I've read alot of articles on the film, so it was interesting to see all the people who were part of this weird history. And the obscenity laws....its crazy. Really crazy. If I want to see porn, then damnit, I should be able to see porn. How scary is a blow job? What is so scary about people having sex? Do people really think that porn can harm a persons psyche? And why haven't those people been instituionalized yet?
The Christian Right is just frightening. And the fact that Bush sucks their cock just scares the bejeezus out of me! What happened in 1972 can surely happen again. Wait, it is happening again.
And don't even get me started on Bush's supreme court picks. Because appointing your personal lawyer is NOT A GREAT FUCKING IDEA!!! Why aren't more people outraged by this? Why aren't more people complaining and protesting?
I have alot of pent up rage. I'm just always amazed at how docile the US public is. What the fuck??!!?? Is everyone just dead? Are we a nation of zombies? Does anyone even have opinions anymore?
Man I need a drink.
Note to self:
Do not try and unknit complicated patterns after you woke up late and have less then 20 minutes to shower and get to work. It will make you cry and it will give you a nervous twitch under your left eye.
My biggest gripe is that most of the essays I have read look at each industry as a whole and focus in on stereotypically negative images of women. For horror movies they always talk about the fact that girls are helpless, in videogames they talk about the unproportioned proportions of most female characters, in porn they usually focus on the fact that women are made to look like nothing more then sex toys for men. They never seem to mention the stronger women in each form of entertainment.
Please feminist scholars...don't write about things you know nothing about. If your going to write giant tirades about what a boys club the video game industry is at least have the sense to interview some real gamers. And this doesn't include the twits who only play World of Warcraft and the Sims. (which I played both, but not exclusively) And If I have to hear another dumb girl speak about how great Ms Pac Man was I'm going to shoot myself in the head. There are so many hardcore girl gamers out there. Look at me, I spend just as much time playing violent horror games as I do playing cute games like animal Crossing. I played both Doom and Quake religiously. I know that I'm not the norm, but throwing out statistics to sway the readers opinion that women do not like violent video games just pisses me off. And no, the frag dolls don't count...getting hot girls to play games as a marketing gimic should be against the feminist ideal, not a shining example of it.
And you know what games seem to be the most female friendly with stronger women characters....horror games.
Bitch magazine...this is for you...don't print a fucking article on feminism and video games without talking to REAL GAMERS! GRRRR!

Sorry...I needed to get that out. i'll go on my tirade on horror movies and porn later. Because call me crazy, but I think the strongest female characters I've seen have been in horror movies...because you know what...who always survives? The woman.
I watched Inside Deep Throat last night. The documentary about the porno that changed the world. I've read alot of articles on the film, so it was interesting to see all the people who were part of this weird history. And the obscenity laws....its crazy. Really crazy. If I want to see porn, then damnit, I should be able to see porn. How scary is a blow job? What is so scary about people having sex? Do people really think that porn can harm a persons psyche? And why haven't those people been instituionalized yet?
The Christian Right is just frightening. And the fact that Bush sucks their cock just scares the bejeezus out of me! What happened in 1972 can surely happen again. Wait, it is happening again.
And don't even get me started on Bush's supreme court picks. Because appointing your personal lawyer is NOT A GREAT FUCKING IDEA!!! Why aren't more people outraged by this? Why aren't more people complaining and protesting?
I have alot of pent up rage. I'm just always amazed at how docile the US public is. What the fuck??!!?? Is everyone just dead? Are we a nation of zombies? Does anyone even have opinions anymore?
Man I need a drink.
Note to self:
Do not try and unknit complicated patterns after you woke up late and have less then 20 minutes to shower and get to work. It will make you cry and it will give you a nervous twitch under your left eye.
this is just such a great sentence. an inspiration really.