God I'm an idiot....I did one of those typed up a whole entry and then accidently erased it by opening another page. Grrr....now where was I...

I need to get on the ball, my husband of few words is posting more often then I am! (just kidding Apocalypse_dude....or am I?....dun dun dun)

The summer and I are at war. I hate it! Hate it...
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not too many options for bands in philly any more with all the management mergers and old city going to the douche bags. frank black's doing a solo show in lancaster in august.
when I went to rehobeth I couldn't go on the haunted mansion ride cause I had the girls with me..I use to ride it all the time when I would skip school and go down there...
but gosh I wish I could go there...they have a warriors video game almost bought it.
I need to update more often but by the time I go through answering stuff and other peoples journals my fingers are blah.
Ok...so my little goal is to try and update more often.

A quick list of things I've been really into lately:

- Italian Sodas (of the citrus variety especially)
- Fall makeup pallets (khaki, olive, green. Colors that make my hazel eyes happy)
- Yarn (I think since I'm mentally leaving work already, I'm beginning to like yarn and knitting again. I can't wait to...
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Somehow I thought you'd give me shit for that smile
It does seem unusually hot this summer, I especially hate showing up places a big ol sweaty mess. I feel like my make up has slid off my face sometimes. haha. That 'not so fresh feeling' is the worst feeling ever.

Yes, definitely getting married by Elvis is the only way to do it! biggrin
My friend said
That she saw you last
That you talked awhile
And it was good but sad
And I cant believe how long it's been
I dont know what to do about it

Were all drinking beers
We cant live without us
We all work so hard
And I cant believe how long it's been
I dont know what to do about it...
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Just in case you were updating while i posted this to your last blog, Ugg i hate that word Blog.

I'm Sorry I have negelcted you.

I am moving to N. 5th street soon.

I hate My Space.

I can't wait to see Strangers with Candy Movie.
I can't wait for my firends candy Apples again.
Knitting while its cold.
We must do girlie coffee drinks after my move.
Ant loves Dashboard Confessionals.
I think PEdro the lion dude has a solo CD out.

Kisses to you and the boy.

BTW what lab does he work at, I am going to need some cross processing in about a week.
Beautiful poem, did you write it? Or is it a song?
I guess I should update.

I don't really see why I am anymore. SG has gone to crap. Ok...some aspects are still ok, but the whole reason why I loved this site, why I joined in the first place, seems to have vanished. I joined because I wanted to meet like-minded people. I felt like it was this oasis for alternative-minded people. I liked that...
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There is an ulta nearthe target I go sometimes..but I haven't tried online. I think I have a lipstick pencil from them..
might be interested in the creasless creame..my makeup routine is really min. now..and not needing a brush would be nice.
I'm Sorry I have negelcted you.

I am moving to N. 5th street soon.

I hate My Space.

I can't wait to see Strangers with Candy Movie.
I can't wait for my firends candy Apples again.
Knitting while its cold.
We must do girlie coffee drinks after my move.
Ant loves Dashboard Confessionals.
I think PEdro the lion dude has a solo CD out.

Kisses to you and the boy.

BTW what lab does he work at, I am going to need some cross processing in about a week.


the cosmetics job can suck my ass. I was offered it, but they don't pay crap and they expect me to quit my job without any notice. AND...wait 6 months for benefits. I plan on calling them tommorrow and politely declining the offer. Sure...I could argue pennies, but even with commision, what they're willing to pay is not worth the hassle.
(plus, its...
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In life you have to do a lot of things you don't fucking want to do. Many times, that's what the fuck life is... one vile fucking task after another.
-al swearengen

Where are you thinking of drinking?
Oh wait, you meant last Friday blackeyed
Fuck it, Clerks II and drinks this Friday anyway?
More in the never ending saga...

So. I didn't get the Benefit gig. They went with someone else who was more aggresive at sitting someone down. Something which, I will admit, I'm not the best at. I'm rusty at the whole cosmetics biz, and being foreceful with complete strangers is a bit overwhelming.
BUT....the brighter side...Macy's still likes me and I now have an interview...
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haha yeah Mia looks alot like M...basically she has his eyes..which makes her look a little asian sometimes. but she has my coloring and she is going to be a red head with brown eyes genes are so weird.
I have heard good things about bobbi browns brushes and foundation..but it doesn't match me well so I have never tried it. You so deserve a fun make up job.
First of all, the retarded dont rule the night. They dont rule it. Nobody does. And they dont run in packs. While they may not be as strong as apes, dont lock eyes with them. It puts them on edge. It might put them on bezerker mode. Come at you like a whirling dervish, all fists and elbows. You might be screaming No, no, no and all they hear is Who wants cake.
Quick update since I need to get to work.

The second interview was ok. Not great, more ok. I didn't have the instance connection I did with this rep like I did with the other one (who is her boss, so maybe that will help?) I got someone in the seat, I showed her tons of products, even got the second opinion of the rep...
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i hope that some how everything will be ok
I'll take you out for a drink! kiss

Do you have my number? If so give me a call cause I lost yours. frown
...just a quickie...

I got a phone call from the Benefit rep today. She apologized for getting back to me so late. I was swearing up and down in my head that this means "you suck". But it didn't. She wants me to go in for a second interview with the coordinator for the Benefit in Center City. She wanted all the candidates she really...
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It was lightly used..It didn't smell good on me but I loved what it smelled like in the bottle. I totalled $770 dollars for 31 sales...just if you sell them on ebay (or bpal.org but they have a price cap) make sure you check finished sales to see how much they have sold for...because if the sold for over the price cap on ebay sell it on ebay if it is under then just sell it on bpal.org so you don't lose money on ebay fees...I would do that but it is easier for me just to do ebay.
I know he is an ass but it is like he admits it...which actually pisses me off more...oh I hsould help out more with the girls you do everything blah blah blah and he usually says this while I am changing a diaper and doing this and that...Men just think women should take care of the kids..like when my dad says oh why doesn't he do this and that help you bathe em...it is like um when did you help mom?? so really I dunno he helps out more then some dads but less then others..I just need to get out once every 2 months and just have fun..I dunno he just needs a wake up call and I thought that would have been our daughters...but I dunno like I said we need counciling.
I think you should wear a white t-shirt, white pants or a skirt and maybe a white hat or bandana.

I'll have to check out the Superman, even though my favorite super hero is probably Ghost Rider (a.k.a Blazing Skull). Fits my personality, don't he?

...since I know you've all been waiting breathlessly...

The audition went ok. It was kind of like getting a tooth drilled with loud dance music being played in the background. I was nervous, but felt better when I realized I knew a damn lot about the cosmetics line and I had previous makeup experience when a few other candidates didn't. I auditioned with a part-timer...
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Sounds like they are stil interested if they asked you to call back. If they didn't like you they would of gave you the old "don't call us, we'll call you"! I think you're golden, good luck.
I wishing you lots of luck..and really a half hour of not getting someone to sit down isn't bad..it really isn't..It takes alot of guts to sit there and be like hey you get yer ass in my chair and let me make you pretty. Or well something like that.

So I went on an interview for Macy's new location in Center City. Cosmetics. At the time Bobbi Brown was my focus. Then I realized that Benefit was there. One of my hands down favorite cosmetics companies. I squealed, I smiled, I had the BEST interview with the rep, and I have an "audition" on Saturday morning. I have to try to sell as...
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Thanks, good luck with your job too.
we can't wait for the weekend to start...old job or new, I want to be far away from it for as long as I can manage.
Have a good one.
good luck girl!!!

i hope you get that joint!!!

weekend is booked... what are you doing during the week...

wanna knit and gab??

totally call me!!!!!!!

xox skull
Just a quiet weekend at home avoiding the rain.

Some of the highlights:
- Got my hair cut and dyed. I'm now a saucy redhead. Me-ow!
- Went to Redding Terminal Market for fruit shakes and cookies
- Sat around watching loads of tv...which is pretty damn fine when the whether sucks
- Watched The Alamo....it didn't really suck as bad as I had thought...
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yeah if you have red or blue moon which are the only 2 I don't have (but I have imps) they go for $$$$ and sn's also go for $50-$150. So yeah it is worth it to go with out and really beth seems like she comes out with similar stuff alot. I am going to list I think like 10 of em on ebay...I get at least what I paid for...better then sitting in a box.
I didn't know there was a river boat that left from Bartrams!

Good luck with the job hunt!
So, its officially summer. No turning back, no running backwards into the snow.
I'm not a hot person at all. I wilt. I get anxiety attacks. I throw up occasionally. I just hate heat. But....I deal with it. I've survived it for 29 years so far, I'm sure it won't take me down now.

I'm purposely trying not to be grouchy right now. My jaw...
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Noooo I didn't know your are now a married women..CONGRATS...that is the best way to get married.
Yeah basically I decided to work on my family and well since they don't get along I had to just do what I had to do...felt like shit about it..but I tried to be exactly what M wanted.
But he called me right after I had the girls and well I had ALOT of problems with the birth and I was in survival mode...and then M moved in and well yea
I have never been to the aquirium did you the baltimore one doesn't allow strollers? pisses me off. Carryin' a 25lb baby doesn't seem like a good time. But the NJ allows em and is cheaper so I guess it is ok. I also wanted to go to the please touch they are having an alice in wonderland thing...
Good luck with the job hunting. Bobbi brown make up is great, I wish I could afford it!

Is the Amy Sedaris interview in the new Venus? I'll have to go get a copy!