Christology Fuckology -- What The Ressurection Means to Me
I do not believe in the ressurection. The ressurection is not important to me. I am a Christian. (Also, I am wasted.)
Christianity has a contemporary meaning which is valid even if God is not, and never was physically active in the world. Even if "de Geesus" was executed and rose from the dead 3 days later, who gives a shit? The fact that an enitity can be killed, then come back and get wasted at dinner with its friends is not equivalent to existing as an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, omniscient and eternal being upon which all of reality stands or falls. The jump from belief in (i) a really nice gooberish guy to (ii) the existence of an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, omniscient and eternal being upon which all of reality stands or falls is a jump from the finite and temporal to the infinite and eternal, and such leaps are not made just because someone can avoid rigamortis.
The meaning of Christianity is that one can constantly recreate themselves. And God has a role in this. Christs' ressurection is important because it provides us with the means for understanding the relation between the big dude and us, but apart from that, it isn't important at all. The historical meaning of the ressurection is crap. Garbage. Totally unimporant and lame. It is to be understood as a fairy tale. It lays the conceptual groundwork for an understanding of the infinite that, until then, did not exist.
I believe that God itself has a role in this world on a moment to moment basis. Consequentially, I believe that God is helping the lie. I am weird.
I got so wasted last night. Spaghetti drank 3 martinis and proceeded to puke all over himself in his bathroom. I am still drunk right now.

I do not believe in the ressurection. The ressurection is not important to me. I am a Christian. (Also, I am wasted.)
Christianity has a contemporary meaning which is valid even if God is not, and never was physically active in the world. Even if "de Geesus" was executed and rose from the dead 3 days later, who gives a shit? The fact that an enitity can be killed, then come back and get wasted at dinner with its friends is not equivalent to existing as an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, omniscient and eternal being upon which all of reality stands or falls. The jump from belief in (i) a really nice gooberish guy to (ii) the existence of an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, omniscient and eternal being upon which all of reality stands or falls is a jump from the finite and temporal to the infinite and eternal, and such leaps are not made just because someone can avoid rigamortis.
The meaning of Christianity is that one can constantly recreate themselves. And God has a role in this. Christs' ressurection is important because it provides us with the means for understanding the relation between the big dude and us, but apart from that, it isn't important at all. The historical meaning of the ressurection is crap. Garbage. Totally unimporant and lame. It is to be understood as a fairy tale. It lays the conceptual groundwork for an understanding of the infinite that, until then, did not exist.
I believe that God itself has a role in this world on a moment to moment basis. Consequentially, I believe that God is helping the lie. I am weird.
I got so wasted last night. Spaghetti drank 3 martinis and proceeded to puke all over himself in his bathroom. I am still drunk right now.
