yay im sick and now i get to go to sit in the doctors office for 4 hours.
yay. i feel like total asssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
sit in office of doctor for 3 hours. see doctor. see nurses eyes go like this:
when she listens to my lungs.
see her eyes go like this:
when she listens to my pulse.
see her go get a special machine for to listen to my pulse. she goes: does your heart usually stop like that for seconds at the time?
me: it used to alot, but i thought it wasn't a big deal.
then she takes my blood pressure and tells me i have super turbo high blood pressure, and really need to see a cardiologist.
but all that was just lead into for me to be put on this thingie that made smoke when i breathed into it (for like half an hour). then when i had drooled all over myself for that long, the doc came in and said i will prolly die soon, etc (quit smoking, freak).
then they gave me a shot of steroids and a prescription for drugs i was either allergic to, or too poor to buy. but i didnt find that out until after i had waited at the drug store for almost an hour.
fuck today.
yay. i feel like total asssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

sit in office of doctor for 3 hours. see doctor. see nurses eyes go like this:

when she listens to my lungs.
see her eyes go like this:

when she listens to my pulse.
see her go get a special machine for to listen to my pulse. she goes: does your heart usually stop like that for seconds at the time?
me: it used to alot, but i thought it wasn't a big deal.

then she takes my blood pressure and tells me i have super turbo high blood pressure, and really need to see a cardiologist.

but all that was just lead into for me to be put on this thingie that made smoke when i breathed into it (for like half an hour). then when i had drooled all over myself for that long, the doc came in and said i will prolly die soon, etc (quit smoking, freak).
then they gave me a shot of steroids and a prescription for drugs i was either allergic to, or too poor to buy. but i didnt find that out until after i had waited at the drug store for almost an hour.
fuck today.
you rock WAY more than i do. i had a fantastic time. it is very cool of you guys to have everybody over.

damn, what a depressing day!