NO MORE BUSHiT.. saw that on a bumper sticker down the skreet....
whassssup Sue?? (BTW where did THAT come from?!?)
i miss you and tha' crew.... let's hangout...... n' stuff...
we are not far away ya know....
over here in kirkwood- off memorial dr. *raise the roof*
damn i need to see all of you all again!!!
write me (or call) me soon!!!!!! (or i will curse you with chicken bones from mrs. winners)
whassssup Sue?? (BTW where did THAT come from?!?)
i miss you and tha' crew.... let's hangout...... n' stuff...
we are not far away ya know....
over here in kirkwood- off memorial dr. *raise the roof*
damn i need to see all of you all again!!!
write me (or call) me soon!!!!!! (or i will curse you with chicken bones from mrs. winners)