IMPORTANT - if you live in LA or NYC and think of the rest of the US as flyover country, or have ever even used that phrase before, please tell me so i can remove you from my friends list forever and ever. I dont think i have any such people on my list, but im just making sure... and if you are just reading this by chance and are one of those people, please take this time to kindly fuck off.
i'm getting a bit of a belly now. it needs to become super hot again so i can get back down to prime killing weight--iggy pop style...
pool and beers pool and beers pool and beers...
boychucker is going to lose many, many times tonight. he never drinks. so he wins. this time i'm cheating.

i'm getting a bit of a belly now. it needs to become super hot again so i can get back down to prime killing weight--iggy pop style...
pool and beers pool and beers pool and beers...
boychucker is going to lose many, many times tonight. he never drinks. so he wins. this time i'm cheating.

"There's a little place between New York and LA called America!!"
Reason No. 242 Why I Don't Live in New York City:::
Assholes. Loads of assholes.