what an uneventful weekend. nice weather and laziness all around.
i get my truck with a radio back from the shop tommorow. no more working for 8 hours with no tunes!
-how long did you last at your first job?
-do your parents know about all of your bad habits (smoking, drinking, drugs, multiple sex partners on the same night, etc)?
-last time you went to church?
-will you give me 20 dollars?
i get my truck with a radio back from the shop tommorow. no more working for 8 hours with no tunes!

-how long did you last at your first job?
-do your parents know about all of your bad habits (smoking, drinking, drugs, multiple sex partners on the same night, etc)?
-last time you went to church?
-will you give me 20 dollars?

-do your parents know about all of your bad habits (smoking, drinking, drugs, multiple sex partners on the same night, etc)?
smoking, yes, drinking, well dude, my mom drinks with me, drugs, they all know i smoke pot, they know i've had sex but nothing too..uh...incrimintating
-last time you went to church? sunday morning church? ummm...several years. 2000 maybe. Bible study....i went once about 6 months to make someone happy.
-will you give me 20 dollars? nah
-please? ...well...O-KAAAAAAAY..
- nope...and the never will.....muhuhahahahaha!!!
- honey I can't begin to remember, but I am a true small town southern girl so I went to church every sunday for all my life up until I turned 18....now I feel I'm owed a break!!!
- I sure would if I had it, but alas I am POOR!!!
- I wish I could