Hey friends!!!
I'm recovering well from my operation and feeling a little better each day! After having this last major, and without a doubt, life changing surgery, I've been feeling extremely motivated to really dive back into all of my hobbies and passions. The spark has been ignited inside of me, and I'm feeling that passion coming back after much too long of a hiatus. I haven't felt this way in way too long and it's got me feeling hopeful, optimistic, and SO excited! I've just been stuck in this never ending rut of tackling my heath problems for way too long now. It's literally been operation after operation for almost 3 whole years now, all the while, completely consuming every fiber of my being. But you know what?! I don't want to be a "sick girl" for one more minute!!! I am finally getting back to a place in my life where I have room for more than just tackling this illness like a full-time job. After YEARS of relentless torture from my body fighting against me, my pain is actually starting to become more manageable with the help of my incredible pain specialist and anesthesiologist team (whom I am completely in LOVE with for basically giving me my life back.) I have been trapped in this neverending nightmare for over three loooong years now, and I AM FINALLY WAKING UP! I won't lie, I truly began to believe I would never see this day.. But here it is in all its glory, and it is more beautiful and incredible than I could've ever possibly imagined. I made it out stronger than ever. I've been trying so hard to reach the light at the end of the tunnel, and you know what?! I BECAME THE FUCKING LIGHT! It is exploding from within and I can feel myself radiating with an entirely new outlook on life. It is the most incredible feeling I have ever experienced and it just keeps getting better and better.
Keep your eyes peeled, because I have a few tricks up my sleeve and so many ideas that I will do absolutely everything in my power to soon make a reality. I've found all my dreams that seemed to be tucked away hibernating for all this time. They're not lost. In fact, quite the opposite... They're more alive than ever.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has stuck by my side throughout all of this. The people who were here with open arms to welcome me back after so much time away. The people who didn't miss a beat and picked right back up where we left off a few years ago. I have so SO much love for all of you. I'm back and I'm here to stay.
XO Apollo
(Here's my last two weeks in photos. Can you see the fire in my eyes?!)