Ohhh man! It has been QUITE an eventful couple weeks! First, my partner had his gallbladder removed and just 4 days later I had my big robotic excision of endometriosis and radical hysterectomy. A few days after my partners surgery, he became very ill and was in a tremendous amount of pain, so he went to the emergency room to find out that he had a pretty serious bile leak from his surgery that needed to be repaired immediately. He spent a few days in the hospital and a stint was placed to stop the leak and he is doing much better now. The day after he got out of the hospital, I started having some very bad pain and feeling sick so I went to the emergency room myself. I found out my white blood cell count was off the charts due to the fact that I had a very severe staff infection as well as something called a seroma under my main and largest incision. A seroma is basically a large pocket of fluid (blood, plasma, puss) trapped between the muscle and fat layers under the incision caused by the trauma to the area from the surgery. I just spent the past week admitted to the hospital getting round the clock heavy duty iv antibiotics until my white blood cell count was low enough to continue with oral antibiotics at home. I have to see my surgeon in the morning to find out what we're going to do about the seroma as it's causing an incredible amount of discomfort. I'll keep everyone updated, but that's been my life for the past couple weeks!