Life sure is a roller coaster, I'll tell ya that. Plans are pointless. They all go to shit. I don't know what my huge problem is with making plans, nothing ever comes though. It all crumbles to pieces at the last minute, I swear. I have been in Michigan the past month, trying to get back to Columbus to start building myself up in a new city. I found a way there, found a room to rent.. and then at the last minute, as all my bags are packed, in the trunk of the car, and on my way.. everything falls through. No more ride, no more room, they found someone else. SO, back to the drawing board. I decided I just need to get back to Austin now, seeing as I just took off out of there unexpectedly and left my car and all my belongings there.. SO I have come up with a plane ticket and I will be making my way back 12/12. I'm feeling very uneasy, as I still have no place to live and it's going to take me a little bit to come up with a job and some money. At least I'll have my car though, which can also become my home in desperate situations, so that makes me feel a little bit better.
That's all for now, I'll let you know how things go.
P.S If anybody in Austin wants to rent me a VERY affordable room or let me crash on their couch, I would love you lots and lots and lots and you would sure make my life easier! :D
Over and Out