(From my blog at www.rackpackcomics.com)

Somewhere in the middle of eating spaghetti, waving their hands around in little "o" shapes, and shouting, "I like-ah da pizza!", two Italians managed to make one of the best comic books I've ever read. For more reasons than are worth mentioning, I just now got around to reading the Marvel/Soleil comic Sky Doll. If I were less lazy, and...
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I have a new blog. You will visit and follow it. bad1978.blogspot.com
The song "Fish & Bird" by Tom Waits just made me weep.

It's finally happened. I'm officially a girl.
can I see your vagina?
Fuck gender.
First blog: My intro.

My looks and lifestyle reflect a normal, whitebread existence. My attitude and beliefs are more oriented toward the SG way of thinking.

I must admit that I'm here for online dating. The don't really get the world outside my window, and the girl thing just isn't happening for me out there. Maybe I'll strike oil here. Who knows?
I finally got my new computer, so I'm trying to catch up with all my friends on my list. Just seeing what you've been up too, wondering how you are, that kind of thing.

I hope you are doing well