Alright, so I've been away for a while I see... 5 years actually. So what's new you ask? Well let's see. For starters I have had my head examined properly. By a series of medical and psychological professionals who have determined that my previous diagnosis (drummed up by a quack general practitioner in a 15 minute interview) was complete bunk and I have been mishandled for close to two decades now. So with the proper label sewn to my head I am on the path to healing. It's getting better but I have learned some things about myself in the process I am none to fond of so I know I have some work to do.
I am working full time now, moppin' up blood in a Dialysis unit after hours. It's a great job with excellent pay and I get to indulge my "knight in shining armor" syndrome by believing that I am saving lives by keeping the place clean for immunodeficient patients.
Health is generally good. Under the 200 pound mark, actually getting tired of people telling me I am looking too skinny. For someone who was pushing 400 pounds seven years ago that feels like a pretty big accomplishment.
The love life is still in ruin, but I have decided to shut off the sex drive completely so that has made everything work out ok for the last 8 or 9 months. It's surprising how uncomplicated life can be when you stop trying to put your penis in things.
The new pastime these days is online gaming. Tera Online to be exact. It's a beautiful game with real action combat and the server I play on actually has a lot of role players so there is no shortage of people telling stories. I actually was checking emails from them when I came across an email from SG that brought me back here today so yeah, thank Tera Online for this blog lol
My son is doing amazingly well, getting accustomed to school life beyond kindergarten. He occasionally has issues, not wanting to participate, but what kid always wants to do their school work? I mean really?
So umm yeah, for a "hello, here is my last 5 years in a small nut shell" i guess that about sums it up. Life is kinda *shrugs and kicks the can* So how is everyone else doing?