My tongue is getting better, today it hurt for several hours, but right now it feels just a little stiff and uncomfortable, not really in pain.
So here is the full story...
When I was 18 I realized I had a very short tongue, and after consulting a doctor I was told that my frenulum (oral webbing) was longer than average, and my tongue was tied to the bottom of my mouth. I sought help immediately. The oral surgeon I consulted told me he would not remove my frenulum without a valid medical reason, and since I was able to speak just fine he sent me on my way.
Over the past ten years I have felt embarrassed by the length of my tongue, even to the point of avoiding oral sex because I felt inadequate. I was reassured by several partners that I was quite good at it even without the use of a normal size tongue but that didn't do anything to improve my confidence.
I sought out several other surgeons but I was consistently quoted a cost of around $400 to get the procedure done.
About five years ago I got the desire to get my tongue pierced, but again the oral web got in the way. Every peircer I spoke with told me they could not do it because of the size of my frenulum. Foiled again!
Well, recently I met a piercer who looked at my tongue and said "I'll cut that thing out for $50 buck and we'll stick a stud in it while we are there."
WICKED! I signed on the dotted line and a week later I got the whole thing done in one sitting, about 45 minutes.
So my tongue is soar, obviously, because I got it pierced, but also because I had a piece cut out from underneath of it and then had the wound cauterized on the spot. That was yesterday.
Today I am talking much better, and I even managed a piece of ham for dinner. I still can't stick my tongue out very far, but that is because it hurts, I can't wait until it's healed enough to really tell how long it is now.
In other news!
Alvina is making my life very difficult. Not on purpose or anything (at least I don't think it is on purpose), but difficult none the less.
I love her so much, but she is completely gone from our marriage now. She won't acknowledge me when we pass on the street, but she will comment on my facebook status and the like, send me e-mails through it. Moving one has come to a standstill. I even turned down a really hot asian girl over the weekend because I couldn't get Alvina out of my head. I turned down sex because I would rather sit and mourn the loss of my wife... GOD I SUCK!
Everyone that talks to her is telling her how happy they are for her, that she is finally happy and divorcing the mean old troll. How am I supposed to move on when I know how miserable I made her? I need to punish myself for that crime before I can move forward, like a criminal needs to go to jail before he can be released into society again, you know?
Oz's adoption has hit a road block. We need his birth certificate, and I can't find it anywhere. It should be here, but I just don't know where. I have looked in every box, at every piece of paper in this house, and nothing. Alvina says she does not have it, I believe her, no reason not too, but then where is it? Oz is in limbo until I can get it to the lawyer. He needs a real family... But I still don't know how I am going to live without him and Alvina...
I need to get on with things, but lately I seem to be loosing my motivation. Maybe when I see some more results from my gym time I will get motivated again, but how will that happen if I am already tired of going to the gym alone every day?
Fuck, I think I need to go back to the depression group for some free therapy...
Anyway. Here is my latest Hopeful pick... Rumer
Check out her set here!
So here is the full story...
When I was 18 I realized I had a very short tongue, and after consulting a doctor I was told that my frenulum (oral webbing) was longer than average, and my tongue was tied to the bottom of my mouth. I sought help immediately. The oral surgeon I consulted told me he would not remove my frenulum without a valid medical reason, and since I was able to speak just fine he sent me on my way.
Over the past ten years I have felt embarrassed by the length of my tongue, even to the point of avoiding oral sex because I felt inadequate. I was reassured by several partners that I was quite good at it even without the use of a normal size tongue but that didn't do anything to improve my confidence.
I sought out several other surgeons but I was consistently quoted a cost of around $400 to get the procedure done.
About five years ago I got the desire to get my tongue pierced, but again the oral web got in the way. Every peircer I spoke with told me they could not do it because of the size of my frenulum. Foiled again!
Well, recently I met a piercer who looked at my tongue and said "I'll cut that thing out for $50 buck and we'll stick a stud in it while we are there."
WICKED! I signed on the dotted line and a week later I got the whole thing done in one sitting, about 45 minutes.
So my tongue is soar, obviously, because I got it pierced, but also because I had a piece cut out from underneath of it and then had the wound cauterized on the spot. That was yesterday.
Today I am talking much better, and I even managed a piece of ham for dinner. I still can't stick my tongue out very far, but that is because it hurts, I can't wait until it's healed enough to really tell how long it is now.
In other news!
Alvina is making my life very difficult. Not on purpose or anything (at least I don't think it is on purpose), but difficult none the less.
I love her so much, but she is completely gone from our marriage now. She won't acknowledge me when we pass on the street, but she will comment on my facebook status and the like, send me e-mails through it. Moving one has come to a standstill. I even turned down a really hot asian girl over the weekend because I couldn't get Alvina out of my head. I turned down sex because I would rather sit and mourn the loss of my wife... GOD I SUCK!
Everyone that talks to her is telling her how happy they are for her, that she is finally happy and divorcing the mean old troll. How am I supposed to move on when I know how miserable I made her? I need to punish myself for that crime before I can move forward, like a criminal needs to go to jail before he can be released into society again, you know?
Oz's adoption has hit a road block. We need his birth certificate, and I can't find it anywhere. It should be here, but I just don't know where. I have looked in every box, at every piece of paper in this house, and nothing. Alvina says she does not have it, I believe her, no reason not too, but then where is it? Oz is in limbo until I can get it to the lawyer. He needs a real family... But I still don't know how I am going to live without him and Alvina...

I need to get on with things, but lately I seem to be loosing my motivation. Maybe when I see some more results from my gym time I will get motivated again, but how will that happen if I am already tired of going to the gym alone every day?
Fuck, I think I need to go back to the depression group for some free therapy...
Anyway. Here is my latest Hopeful pick... Rumer
Check out her set here!
I hope yours feels better soon!!
Have you tried ordering a new copy of his BC from the court house? There bout 40 bucks but its sounds like it would be worth it, if you can. I wish I could help you look, you can't order it.