Something strange happened today. I suddenly felt relief about my divorce. Truth is both Alvina and I were unhappy in our marriage since she became pregnant, and more so since we moved to the suburbs. Well, I just suddenly realized that I didn't give a damn about it any more.
I was willing to fix things with her, she left me right into the bed of another man, and you know what? That's o.k.
She said she didn't think I could change; well I am well under way in that, I know I can, and I am going to enjoy my new life.
I am o.k., and I don't know why it is so sudden, but it feels great!
I've lost 40 lbs since she left, I am eating healthy, I have started exercising regularly, and I am seeing changes in my personality that make me very happy.
Is it possible that she is the reason I was so depressed? Now that she is gone I am getting better? Well what ever the reason, I am feeling happy today, and happy over all for the last three weeks.
I was willing to fix things with her, she left me right into the bed of another man, and you know what? That's o.k.
She said she didn't think I could change; well I am well under way in that, I know I can, and I am going to enjoy my new life.

I am o.k., and I don't know why it is so sudden, but it feels great!
I've lost 40 lbs since she left, I am eating healthy, I have started exercising regularly, and I am seeing changes in my personality that make me very happy.

Is it possible that she is the reason I was so depressed? Now that she is gone I am getting better? Well what ever the reason, I am feeling happy today, and happy over all for the last three weeks.

Now I'm very very very happy
I mean, sure there's stress and there will be rough times, but it's totally worth it to get away from something that's dragging you down.
I have no doubt that you loved her. But her unhappiness probably weighed you down a lot too.