aceptance ... i hate that word ... its like giving up but set in a tone to heal (what a load of crap)
nieves said i should just move on and acept that theres nothing i can do ... i have but im not going to go put some girl thought hell just so i can get her out of my system ...
why do we think its ok to use people like that??
its redicouls ... i wish just for onece someone would talk about there feelings and say that lifes ok even thought things suck but inseted they say life sucks and then some comment about how all they need is a good lay .... when did wemon become mens fuck posts come one ... what about there feelings ... donesnt anyone care....
and latly everyone i know is saying to go fuck someone or thing and feel better as if my falice is the only thing thats wrong ... i think my heart needs to be helped first its much more important than my dick... come on doesnt anyone feel the same or are we all just going around fucking the next peroson we see going on like it didnt matter that there was no emotion in an action that emotion is the key factor...
i sware when things get strated out enouf im going to go and beat the crap out of these shit fucks till they puck out and taste the pain they caused all these people... stupid idots ... if you cant make them care at least you can make them understand ... or at varry least suffer a hole lot....
ok im done ranting for now but anyone comment is this the norm or not any ideas would help ... cause this just is stupid
nieves said i should just move on and acept that theres nothing i can do ... i have but im not going to go put some girl thought hell just so i can get her out of my system ...
why do we think its ok to use people like that??

its redicouls ... i wish just for onece someone would talk about there feelings and say that lifes ok even thought things suck but inseted they say life sucks and then some comment about how all they need is a good lay .... when did wemon become mens fuck posts come one ... what about there feelings ... donesnt anyone care....

and latly everyone i know is saying to go fuck someone or thing and feel better as if my falice is the only thing thats wrong ... i think my heart needs to be helped first its much more important than my dick... come on doesnt anyone feel the same or are we all just going around fucking the next peroson we see going on like it didnt matter that there was no emotion in an action that emotion is the key factor...

i sware when things get strated out enouf im going to go and beat the crap out of these shit fucks till they puck out and taste the pain they caused all these people... stupid idots ... if you cant make them care at least you can make them understand ... or at varry least suffer a hole lot....

ok im done ranting for now but anyone comment is this the norm or not any ideas would help ... cause this just is stupid
Blessed Be!