love joy hope fear death dispair ... all illusions all things the mind creates and contends with to answer questions of weather or not we are worth what we do.. we are what we create and what we ask for ?? or so ive been told... it seems that way... again i feel the goddess and i dont feel alone... i probly lost nieves... shes not even smiling at me anymore...
i love i hate i feel i understand yet all i want is to be in stupid bliss... and not to feel alone ... i dont want to be physicaly alone... and those who would even look at me and think anything wouldnt do anythiing about it ever... thats my life though... we live we die... we move on... thats egzistance... to contiunue.. dispite what reality crates for us for only inspite of reality do we find ourselves...
i wish you all happness and peace
that witch i may never find may you possess

i wish you all happness and peace
that witch i may never find may you possess