god damn its hot.
i cant cool down at all and its only 8 in the morning.
it probably doesnt help that i spent most of yesterday walking around in 100 degree heat at Coney Island
my lady and i went up there for the Netflix Roadshow they were showing the movie The Warriors.
it was cool cause some of the orginal cast members were there too doing a q&a. we missed that part but i do think i heard the guy who plays Cyrus scream" Can you dig it? "
that alone was worth it.
that movie is awesome.
i also got to terrify my wife by talking her into going on the Wonder Wheel. its a huge ferris wheel that has cars on it that rock back and forth. needless to say she was less than happy with me after that.
apparently if youre afraid of heights, ferris wheels aren't a good idea.
its was hot and nasty out but we had fun anyway
we also got to go on a cheap ass haunted house ride. it sucked but i got a cool pic of this huge breasted zombie chick. so that was cool.
lack of sleep and the heat at work is getting to me.
i really want to curl up under this desk and take a nap
the sad thing is i probably could and no one would know.
i cant cool down at all and its only 8 in the morning.
it probably doesnt help that i spent most of yesterday walking around in 100 degree heat at Coney Island
my lady and i went up there for the Netflix Roadshow they were showing the movie The Warriors.
it was cool cause some of the orginal cast members were there too doing a q&a. we missed that part but i do think i heard the guy who plays Cyrus scream" Can you dig it? "
that alone was worth it.
that movie is awesome.
i also got to terrify my wife by talking her into going on the Wonder Wheel. its a huge ferris wheel that has cars on it that rock back and forth. needless to say she was less than happy with me after that.
apparently if youre afraid of heights, ferris wheels aren't a good idea.

its was hot and nasty out but we had fun anyway
we also got to go on a cheap ass haunted house ride. it sucked but i got a cool pic of this huge breasted zombie chick. so that was cool.
lack of sleep and the heat at work is getting to me.
i really want to curl up under this desk and take a nap
the sad thing is i probably could and no one would know.

Yep, that's the plan. I'll keep you posted.
yo. got some holga pictures in vegas. need processing. where are you again?