my motivation to work is pretty damn low right now.
i'm waiting for the caffine from my over-priced Starbucks coffee to kick in. what the fucks taking so long?
i gotta stop updating before i'm actually awake.
i watched Syriana last night. its a really good movie but depressing as all hell.
kudos to George Clooney for looking like shit the entire movie. most actors wouldnt do that.
damn its been dead on this site lately. maybe its the summer.
what with the heatwave and all.
most people probably have lives too.
i wonder what thats like?
i'm waiting for the caffine from my over-priced Starbucks coffee to kick in. what the fucks taking so long?
i gotta stop updating before i'm actually awake.
i watched Syriana last night. its a really good movie but depressing as all hell.
kudos to George Clooney for looking like shit the entire movie. most actors wouldnt do that.
damn its been dead on this site lately. maybe its the summer.
what with the heatwave and all.
most people probably have lives too.
i wonder what thats like?

I was in your hood today. We went to the Please Touch Museum and then I took the family to Fairmont Pizza. I love that place!