this new site layout is still annoying me. it runs so sloooow now.
i assume they are still working out the kinks..but what else is new.
my body is telling me i should go to sleep. but my mind doesnt want to.
instead i'll stay up another three hours watching tv and playing video games.
cause thats what i do.
only getting five hours of sleep a night and working overtime everyday is really catching up to me.
but whatever.
Criss Angel is on and he's going to make an elephant disappear or some shit.
i swear i have know idea how he pulls off some of his stunts.
maybe he's some sort of evil demon
who knows.
i assume they are still working out the kinks..but what else is new.
my body is telling me i should go to sleep. but my mind doesnt want to.
instead i'll stay up another three hours watching tv and playing video games.
cause thats what i do.
only getting five hours of sleep a night and working overtime everyday is really catching up to me.
but whatever.
Criss Angel is on and he's going to make an elephant disappear or some shit.
i swear i have know idea how he pulls off some of his stunts.
maybe he's some sort of evil demon
who knows.

Saw Mono at this place the North Six. The only thing I heard from them before that was the split they did with Pelican and I'm surprized I enjoyed them so much.
As for the place, its about a block away from where that Craft Fair that I missed you guys was at. I'm a big fan. Its one of my favorite venues.
Its a fairly small open space (can probably fit 200 - 300 people (but when a big band is playing there they'll just stuff people inside until no one else fits)), that was some sort of factory before that. Has a great sound system. They just let some really cool stuff happen there. Completely DIY run by local music nerds and put on all kinds of different stuff. Think First Unitarian Church but slightly more modern.
But yeah, good show!