god damn my head hurts and this new site layout aint helping.
the wife and i spent most of the day outside at a flea market in jersey.
way too much sun and walking around. i think im dehydrated too.
but we had fun anyway. i love those places. the people there are fucking crazy.
yeah so the new layout annoys me. i think that's a common complaint
i dont mind them making the slite look slicker, i just wished it woulnt take forever to load a page now.
way too much flash. simple is always better.
and why couldnt they update those stupid ass smilies? its the same fucking ones.

the wife and i spent most of the day outside at a flea market in jersey.
way too much sun and walking around. i think im dehydrated too.
but we had fun anyway. i love those places. the people there are fucking crazy.
yeah so the new layout annoys me. i think that's a common complaint
i dont mind them making the slite look slicker, i just wished it woulnt take forever to load a page now.
way too much flash. simple is always better.
and why couldnt they update those stupid ass smilies? its the same fucking ones.

i'm really just hopin' to get my hump on... it's not yet confirmed... i still can't shake my x outta me... like loretta lynn told me... i'm rated x!!!!
p.s. when are you hooked me up with your lil' brother??