i think my number is up
-i cant stop coughing from this stupid ass cold that wont go away
-yesterday i got a big nasty cut on my head from a nail at work
-and today i get a notice for jury duty.
but its not all doom and gloom.
i've been having fun getting backing into WoW, playing my new bad ass dwarf.
and i finally created an account for this cool music site:
check it out if you like listening to a ton of music online.
every single genre is covered and a shit load more that i didnt know even exsited.
its cool because you get to set up a profile page and get recommendations from users based on what type of music your into. you can also browse through the online radio stations for each musical style and personalize what you want to listen to.
right now im rocking out to Electric Wizard, Mogwai, High on Fire, and Sleep

-i cant stop coughing from this stupid ass cold that wont go away
-yesterday i got a big nasty cut on my head from a nail at work
-and today i get a notice for jury duty.

but its not all doom and gloom.
i've been having fun getting backing into WoW, playing my new bad ass dwarf.
and i finally created an account for this cool music site:
check it out if you like listening to a ton of music online.
every single genre is covered and a shit load more that i didnt know even exsited.
its cool because you get to set up a profile page and get recommendations from users based on what type of music your into. you can also browse through the online radio stations for each musical style and personalize what you want to listen to.
right now im rocking out to Electric Wizard, Mogwai, High on Fire, and Sleep

aparently, you two are the only ones that rule. this amercan life had a good show on the textile industry in cambodia... which is excellent. they have over 700 unions just in the textile industry.... worth a listen at thislife.org in other news, anal cunt is playing in philly on the 17th... and i just got my guitar wolf special edition epiphone g-310 guitar in the mail. yeah, baby.
mmmm liking the High On Fire and Mogwai selections!