hello, reality. we meet again. *brandishes a sword* my name is inigo montoya. you killed my father. prepare to die.
ahh, yessah. things have been going. up and down the usual, you know how it goes. classes start soon, w00t! take that, real world, i get to avoid being in you for a few more years! plus my classes seem pretty cool, hopefully i can actually get something out of em. hmm.......ecch. in a drunken act of imbalance, i cut my hand up on a 40-meets-brick-wall incident, and now i can't play guitar. it sucks soooo hard. but ehh! them's the breaks, i suppose.......no pun intended.....
aaaaanyway, now it's off to a mixed drink and hours of cleaning the apt. peace~!
ahh, yessah. things have been going. up and down the usual, you know how it goes. classes start soon, w00t! take that, real world, i get to avoid being in you for a few more years! plus my classes seem pretty cool, hopefully i can actually get something out of em. hmm.......ecch. in a drunken act of imbalance, i cut my hand up on a 40-meets-brick-wall incident, and now i can't play guitar. it sucks soooo hard. but ehh! them's the breaks, i suppose.......no pun intended.....
aaaaanyway, now it's off to a mixed drink and hours of cleaning the apt. peace~!