damn it ok, fuck it... new post.. its been long enough, and today kinda has been dedicated to doing stuff i havent in a while... like clean up my studio area... or start too at least.. i have a drum set and a pa to make room for..
also started to work on new ideas since ive been picking away at the same one for the past 4 months...
thought its turning out to be one of my favorite songs ive recorded i also dont want to hold my breath until i finish it.
though i feel way more enlightened and positive as ever... ive been holding on to the dear memory of burning man and try to stay in the same mood i was while i was out there.
i never really try to have high expectations towards anything but i couldnt help it for burning, it looked like the best place to experience things you wouldnt be able to anywhere else. plus everyone i knew who went talked about it in such high regard... so it was hard to not expect the best.
but god damn... it blew my expectations away by a long shot... its one thing to see, read, and hear about it then actually being there.
words really dont suffice ... hell maybe just mine dont, but i had never enjoyed the present tense for that long of a time to its fullest like i did at burning man. i felt guilty to sleep with the knowledge of where and when i was.. theres something amazing to do, see, hear, taste, and/ or experience every direction you look.
i strongly believe everyone who can should and owe it to themselves to go to burning man unless your someone who:
1 cant tolerate being without some common household commodities and comforts like a good bed, a clean decent bathroom and a/c
2 doesnt have too much of an open mind and get offended easily
3 needs to have everything planed out and your fond or routine, because shit happens and you just have to go with the flow and not get bent out of shape
that being said though, theres so much to do that if something isnt your style and your not feeling it, you can just get up and check out whats happening next door..
i think burning man is more like an amusement park in a sense but with the twist of it being imposible to do everything, because its way too big and its always changing and i just dont mean year to year, but also day to day.
i cant wait for next year... already starting to think about it a lot as to what to bring/ wear/ share/ and be creative about...
well thats enough about that.. i almost feel its a waste to even type this up about it since it can in no way justify and capture the countless feeling and emotions i went though that whole week...
i will leave you with this though... one of the main reason for finally being able to make it this year was because my friends that live in seattle pushed me to save up and do it because they knew how much good it would do me.. so i did, and it was a pretty damn good decision ive.
i was so glad to see them, and also witness their progress musically as i am one of their biggest fans, and they play some music that id say is about as hard to describe as burning man...
i just love to eat it up.
you can hear more of their set on my youtube page..
also started to work on new ideas since ive been picking away at the same one for the past 4 months...
thought its turning out to be one of my favorite songs ive recorded i also dont want to hold my breath until i finish it.
though i feel way more enlightened and positive as ever... ive been holding on to the dear memory of burning man and try to stay in the same mood i was while i was out there.
i never really try to have high expectations towards anything but i couldnt help it for burning, it looked like the best place to experience things you wouldnt be able to anywhere else. plus everyone i knew who went talked about it in such high regard... so it was hard to not expect the best.
but god damn... it blew my expectations away by a long shot... its one thing to see, read, and hear about it then actually being there.
words really dont suffice ... hell maybe just mine dont, but i had never enjoyed the present tense for that long of a time to its fullest like i did at burning man. i felt guilty to sleep with the knowledge of where and when i was.. theres something amazing to do, see, hear, taste, and/ or experience every direction you look.
i strongly believe everyone who can should and owe it to themselves to go to burning man unless your someone who:
1 cant tolerate being without some common household commodities and comforts like a good bed, a clean decent bathroom and a/c
2 doesnt have too much of an open mind and get offended easily
3 needs to have everything planed out and your fond or routine, because shit happens and you just have to go with the flow and not get bent out of shape
that being said though, theres so much to do that if something isnt your style and your not feeling it, you can just get up and check out whats happening next door..
i think burning man is more like an amusement park in a sense but with the twist of it being imposible to do everything, because its way too big and its always changing and i just dont mean year to year, but also day to day.
i cant wait for next year... already starting to think about it a lot as to what to bring/ wear/ share/ and be creative about...
well thats enough about that.. i almost feel its a waste to even type this up about it since it can in no way justify and capture the countless feeling and emotions i went though that whole week...
i will leave you with this though... one of the main reason for finally being able to make it this year was because my friends that live in seattle pushed me to save up and do it because they knew how much good it would do me.. so i did, and it was a pretty damn good decision ive.
i was so glad to see them, and also witness their progress musically as i am one of their biggest fans, and they play some music that id say is about as hard to describe as burning man...
i just love to eat it up.
you can hear more of their set on my youtube page..
Music you was asking about is Armik - Dancing shadows.