I got a private loan from this individual ( I have class so I will start out polite

), to start my day spa, in his location. I had been paying on the loan for several months as I learned how crooked he was, and that in fact I was loosing A LOT of business being there. I was located in the basement of a metal constructed gym, and noticed many many problems that I in fact went to him about with no help in fixing whatsoever. The sewage smell would come up through one of the room floors that had a drain, he told me to put a rag in it.....Another room was separated by a false wall connected to a tanning room that you could see the light from the bed and smell all of the tanning cream not to mention hear all the crap loud phone calls going on in there throughout the entire spa, not to mention the the attached room was my facial room, and I had complaints EVERY DAY! He told me to put duct tape on the top of the attached wall. WTF. He also compared me to a hillbilly with no teeth, yeah seriously, he said that I should go shopping and look better. SO....According to my contract, I was to repay this loan, duh, and if I decided to leave or terminate my contract, I couldn't be anywhere within 15 miles of his location as to not be a competitor. ( which is practically everywhere in this damn town). SO.... I moved my location to 23 miles from his location, according to Google maps, drive time is 16 miles

, yes I am very aware that this is a smart ass move. NOW.... I removed all of the items that I had gotten with this loan BECAUSE I was paying for them and planned on continuing payments to him. I gave him a check before I left for $1250.00 and asked him to hold it for 2 days. Well NO he didn't, so of course the check bounced, at the time I was unaware of this, BUT the money was in fact in the bank when I said it would be. He called me several days after I had relocated and told me he was going to ruin my life, take everything I have and still pay him back everything. I responded by telling him that I intended on paying him EVERYTHING. He laughed at me and said he'd give me 3 days to pay him $10,500 ( which by the way wasn't even what I owed him, dick) I told him he was ridiculous and that if he'd be reasonable I would definitely be able to give him the amount I owed him within three weeks. Well 3 days from that call I had $3,000 cash to give him. When I called he refused to take it. Now he's saying that I never tried to give him anything, and that I never made any payments to him.
Anyway, I have all sorts of records proving that I did in fact give him money, try to contact him, and all that jazz. He in fact told the police that I robbed him, that all the property is his, and that (because of that fucking check), frauded him. So.... I talked to the police officer who took the complaint.... explained EVERYTHING, told him I have papers to prove this guy is a duche, and he supposedly said he'd tell him to drop the charges, and that he just wants the stuff back. I dont give a flying fuck if he wants the shit back cuz I can replace it all, so thats fine whatever. Well this individual (

) came to my house, unannounced, with some big dude and his wife, and proceeded to tell me that he just wants to see what I have. UM YOUR NOT COMING IN MY HOUSE IF YOUR NOT DROPPING THE CHARGES AND JUST PICKING UP THE SHIT SORRY. So, He also tells me that he doesnt want the stuff, he wants to sell it for bottom dollar and still make me pay him everything I owe him..WELL WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TAKE THE MONEY I TRIED TO GIVE YOU, AND I LEFT SOME THINGS STILL IN THE SPA THAT I NEVER GOT. "really prove it" thats what this ....person.... said, as well as..." your a looser, a theif, and a nothing"... so instead of ripping his throat out... or crying.... I laughed in his face and called the cops. He still was stupid enough to call me fucking names in front of the officer. NOW.... this.....man.... is supposed to come get his shit, and he wants to do it before we go to court. FUCK THAT. Here is what I want to do.... and will do..... HERE'S YOUR FUCKING MONEY.....GO FUCK YOURSELF AND KISS MY ASS... thank you. have a nice life. He doesnt want the shit, he wants me to suffer, because I am the only one who has EVER stood up to him. I found a lot of people he's done this to in town, and every one of them has let him do it. sorry you may think you're a big dog, but you just pissed on an electric fence, asshole. I wasnt raised to sit back in a damn corner and let someone try and push themselves over me, fuck that. I come with gloves on and mouthpiece in, ready to go.