fuck it all.
i try to be nice about things, and i get shit on in return. so thats that. youre on your own, you need work done on your car, go find someone else, i just got booked up for everyday for the next 10 years.
apparently i write in really cryptic messages sometimes. thats how it is, i have my issues of being blunt sometimes. but oh well.
dont ever apologize for what you have to say.

i try to be nice about things, and i get shit on in return. so thats that. youre on your own, you need work done on your car, go find someone else, i just got booked up for everyday for the next 10 years.
apparently i write in really cryptic messages sometimes. thats how it is, i have my issues of being blunt sometimes. but oh well.
dont ever apologize for what you have to say.
Thanks for engineering a wonderful gathering. Bob is standing a little prouder today, because of you.

Hey you. Thanks a bunch!