and we are back. after leaving last night for a ride, i came home a little late. say 2 AM. the weather was perfect in my jacket, i wasnt sweating profusely or about to pass out. im sure i broke some noise law last night, but every road i took had not a single car. and not a single police officer to encounter. i see alot of guys with wires leading into their helmets. robots? no, i think its either cell phones or music dealys. cell phones would be the worst choice you make, but then again, some of the riders i encounter arent too bright. theres etiquette to be used in the canyons. if you move too slow and there are riders behind you, pull over and let them by. some of these guys dont, and its really uncool. uncool i say. at 90 mph and above, vision starts to blur. its amazing. it happens on the bike, not in the car.
where did everyone go?

where did everyone go?

that said, yeah, riders need to wise up. i see more jackasses every day.
What, too vulgar?