fuck me gently with a chainsaw.......
well, im home now. nice little mini vacation for myself and the other fister twin.
we got in a little later than scheduled on thursday night. and the beautiful Love picked us up. we got lost for a bit and well, it was nice cause i got to hang with her a little longer. and yea, i have like a middle school crush on her.
for her.
got into chris place and crashed out. woke up to alot of walking around and chillin out. then went on to berkeley and had some brunch.thennnn, it was onto senor Faseplant's show. and met up with the friends and made some new ones. all i gotta say is papawheelie and his lady are awesome people. we rocked out to ryans band and had a damn good time. oh and we also met up with miss Evil and her lady. good good people that sf crowd.
thanks to Narcissus and her boyfriend for the ride to that biatchs show. heh.
alright everyone, stinkin like a dog here so im gonna shower and go riding. ill do a donut for Love.
well, im home now. nice little mini vacation for myself and the other fister twin.
we got in a little later than scheduled on thursday night. and the beautiful Love picked us up. we got lost for a bit and well, it was nice cause i got to hang with her a little longer. and yea, i have like a middle school crush on her.

got into chris place and crashed out. woke up to alot of walking around and chillin out. then went on to berkeley and had some brunch.thennnn, it was onto senor Faseplant's show. and met up with the friends and made some new ones. all i gotta say is papawheelie and his lady are awesome people. we rocked out to ryans band and had a damn good time. oh and we also met up with miss Evil and her lady. good good people that sf crowd.
thanks to Narcissus and her boyfriend for the ride to that biatchs show. heh.
alright everyone, stinkin like a dog here so im gonna shower and go riding. ill do a donut for Love.

So I guess you're saying you're a masochist light? 

*files away for future reference*