arr. arr. arr.
went over the el bowling tonight with the folks from SG. i was first there, even though i took the long way. and considering the alley is a mile from my house, i rode to the canyons, then came back around. i left my house at 730. i arrived at the alley at 845. hung around for a while, saw my friend jon there. havent seen him in a long while, and then i hear hes goin to the army. fuck. but no, he hasnt left.hes actually working at magic mountain. how cool is that.
i have a crush on a girl and shes in PA. weak.sauce. B and McG, you know who im talking about.
eh. we will see how this goes over. damn the long distance.
i have no mirrors on the bike, so its usually a gamble if i launch hard from the light and keep the throttle on. today, i gambled and almost lost. there was a cop 2 cars back, he caught up to me and told me to slow down. so i shit a brick and hung a right. and then, straight to santa susana. had to beat it up there for a few laps then head to the alley.
and with my list growing more and more every week. im starting to trim and clip.
went over the el bowling tonight with the folks from SG. i was first there, even though i took the long way. and considering the alley is a mile from my house, i rode to the canyons, then came back around. i left my house at 730. i arrived at the alley at 845. hung around for a while, saw my friend jon there. havent seen him in a long while, and then i hear hes goin to the army. fuck. but no, he hasnt left.hes actually working at magic mountain. how cool is that.
i have a crush on a girl and shes in PA. weak.sauce. B and McG, you know who im talking about.

i have no mirrors on the bike, so its usually a gamble if i launch hard from the light and keep the throttle on. today, i gambled and almost lost. there was a cop 2 cars back, he caught up to me and told me to slow down. so i shit a brick and hung a right. and then, straight to santa susana. had to beat it up there for a few laps then head to the alley.

and with my list growing more and more every week. im starting to trim and clip.
But don't let that stop you. Sometimes these things blossom very nicely....
I'm having a big ass yardsale this weekend, so I can have extra $$$$ while I move next week. LA mang!!!!!It's on!