all righty. the weekend begins. tonight, an encore burlesque show at the oven aka knitting factory. shorts and a shirt tonight, i learned my lesson last time.
i have a few projects on the horizon. full GT inspired toyota, fully boost fed Lexus(Toyota), and restoration of a Triumph T100R. my work is cut out for me.
theres a girl on the east coast. i havent talked to her in a while. i sent her a message on LJ and she IMed me. we talked for a long time, i talked to her about fake people out here. and she told me to come stay with her on the east coast to get away. im thinkin of takin her up on that offer. not now, but soon enough.
im plotting to head up north again for a little fun. and to get away from these morons. not you folks on SG, but these people i have to deal with on a daily basis.
refer to my last post about driving problems in LA. jerkasses.
i have a few projects on the horizon. full GT inspired toyota, fully boost fed Lexus(Toyota), and restoration of a Triumph T100R. my work is cut out for me.
theres a girl on the east coast. i havent talked to her in a while. i sent her a message on LJ and she IMed me. we talked for a long time, i talked to her about fake people out here. and she told me to come stay with her on the east coast to get away. im thinkin of takin her up on that offer. not now, but soon enough.
im plotting to head up north again for a little fun. and to get away from these morons. not you folks on SG, but these people i have to deal with on a daily basis.
refer to my last post about driving problems in LA. jerkasses.

Hey, you're quick on the draw. I wasn't even finished putting together my joke journal.
thank you thank you thank you x infinity for picking me up last night