why do i get sucked into these drag races. i cant ever ride for more than 5 minutes without some fuckhead tryin to race. last night was funny. there was a frat boy lookin guy, with an armband tattoo drivng a V6 mustang. so i thought to myself, well, this guy has enough problems and if i beat him, he might as well go home and slit his wrists. well, 6th gear and 120 mph later, i didnt even see him when i turned around yes i know, street racing is bad. but the peter griffin driving school states that when you make eye contact you gotta rev your engine and race..
swimming, i like swimming. ive been in the water for the past 3 days. its nice after work. but no pool time today. gotta go pick up charlie. the bastard.
this is what i do on the toilet.

swimming, i like swimming. ive been in the water for the past 3 days. its nice after work. but no pool time today. gotta go pick up charlie. the bastard.

this is what i do on the toilet.
