my gramma called me at 830 this morning. she moved to my uncles house on monday afternoon. so she called me to remind me to pick up her glasses and that she forgot something here. so ive been awake since. couldnt get back into bed, so i took a shower. so i got fresh and clean. then i geared up and went to the garage to warm up my bike. went out and around in the hills south of ventura. and up to one of my various viewpoints. i took a picture for you folks.
its a beautiful day out. im gonna go pick up the Trihawk in a bit and drop her off at the bus station. then im off to lunch. and possibly ikea if things go right. maybe. maybe not. im feeling good today. thank you for your notes on the last one. its much appreciated.
so. here i go. have a great day everyone.

its a beautiful day out. im gonna go pick up the Trihawk in a bit and drop her off at the bus station. then im off to lunch. and possibly ikea if things go right. maybe. maybe not. im feeling good today. thank you for your notes on the last one. its much appreciated.
so. here i go. have a great day everyone.

you have a great day too even thoug that was i think 2 days ago

whoo hoo my first asian friend on this site!