last night was pretty cool. headed up laurel canyon and fucked around at like 1 in the mornin. had 2 cars. packed to shit. i had someone in my trunkspace. dont worry its the jeep. one car full of girls, one car full of guys. really wish i had the bike though. i really dont dig drivin with a full car. more suspicious. especially when we all have some kind of weapon. thats the knife i bought. and the one i carry everyday. it would be interesting to see what the cops would say if they searched me and came up with that. nah id end up with a . all in all it was cool last night. tonight should be better. burlesque show. actually. the highlight of last night was when irene called me and told me that she missed me. because i went to disneyland on thursday. which is usually the day i come in. so heh. she misses me.
Those things are from Krull! Awesome. I don't mind if people carry those weapons though. Because it looks like there is a 99% that the sucka would hurt himself, before he hurt me