a tribute to Jena and her always excellent Top 10 blogs.
a top 10 of bands that have molded my life. these are in no particular order. i say top 10 cause well theyre on top. and theres gonna be 10 of em.
10. Daft Punk. these 2 can do no wrong. they took a hell of a hiatus during the mid to late 90s but man did they come back harder better faster stronger. that was lame but its serious. currently im blasting the Alive 2007 album. and all i can say is wow.
9. Tiger Army. what more can i say about a rockabilly/psychobilly band with an upright bass that they havent said already. fuckin amazing. and most excellent in person. ladies be warned.
8. Dethklok. are they real? are they fake? well if youve gone to the show. you know exactly whats going on. the fact that this is a band that is also a cartoon series just makes it that much better.
7. Reverend Horton Heat. the music i work to. and the music i listen to as i drive my car way too fast for my own good. the man wears a sequin tux. and he sings of bales of cocaine. what else is there?
6. Sublime. not a summer goes by when i dont blast the self titled cd. lots of friends were friends with the band before brad left us. LBC's finest.
5. Dropkick Murphy's. tough irish punk rock. maybe i should have been born irish. never felt more at home in a country like ireland. and well these fella's have yet to disappoint me.
4. Pink Floyd. many a stoned night. and music that was just so out of this world. listen to echoes. and watch the end of 2001 a space odyssey. not much more needed to talk about.
3. Gorillaz. an experiment that just went soooooo right. 90s artists reborn in a package that carried so well into the 2000's.
2. Gnarls Barkley. prolific. amazing beats backing an even more amazing voice. again, another even more splcing of epic proportions
1. Led Zeppelin. i dont even need to say anything.

a top 10 of bands that have molded my life. these are in no particular order. i say top 10 cause well theyre on top. and theres gonna be 10 of em.
10. Daft Punk. these 2 can do no wrong. they took a hell of a hiatus during the mid to late 90s but man did they come back harder better faster stronger. that was lame but its serious. currently im blasting the Alive 2007 album. and all i can say is wow.
9. Tiger Army. what more can i say about a rockabilly/psychobilly band with an upright bass that they havent said already. fuckin amazing. and most excellent in person. ladies be warned.

8. Dethklok. are they real? are they fake? well if youve gone to the show. you know exactly whats going on. the fact that this is a band that is also a cartoon series just makes it that much better.

7. Reverend Horton Heat. the music i work to. and the music i listen to as i drive my car way too fast for my own good. the man wears a sequin tux. and he sings of bales of cocaine. what else is there?

6. Sublime. not a summer goes by when i dont blast the self titled cd. lots of friends were friends with the band before brad left us. LBC's finest.

5. Dropkick Murphy's. tough irish punk rock. maybe i should have been born irish. never felt more at home in a country like ireland. and well these fella's have yet to disappoint me.

4. Pink Floyd. many a stoned night. and music that was just so out of this world. listen to echoes. and watch the end of 2001 a space odyssey. not much more needed to talk about.

3. Gorillaz. an experiment that just went soooooo right. 90s artists reborn in a package that carried so well into the 2000's.

2. Gnarls Barkley. prolific. amazing beats backing an even more amazing voice. again, another even more splcing of epic proportions

1. Led Zeppelin. i dont even need to say anything.

How was your weekend?