currently working on rewiring the engine control unit for an aston martin db7 vantage.
next up rebuilding a chrysler 300 that was involved in the katrina hurricane in new orleans. this will be my part in rebuilding something involved in the hurricane.
after that, ferrari. then after that who knows.
currently working in an exotic car shop. fragile, finicky and fucking expensive. all of them. well the 300 isnt exactly the picture of exotic but you can see where im getting to.
also, waiting to recover financially from xmas and buying a million dollars worth of tools. fuck me.
next up rebuilding a chrysler 300 that was involved in the katrina hurricane in new orleans. this will be my part in rebuilding something involved in the hurricane.
after that, ferrari. then after that who knows.
currently working in an exotic car shop. fragile, finicky and fucking expensive. all of them. well the 300 isnt exactly the picture of exotic but you can see where im getting to.
also, waiting to recover financially from xmas and buying a million dollars worth of tools. fuck me.

Yumm, Roscoes has the best collard greens.