Because im a lazy bitch, im gunna copy and paste something about Lord of the Rings. In honor of the new movie of course.
Quote- "Gandalf returns (dont yell at me for ruining that because if you ever saw a preview you know he was going to come back)."
Yea that, and the fact that its been in print for 50 years...
As an avid LOTR fan ill explain everything plain and simple. I hated the first movie when i first saw it. The movies and the books are completely different. Nothing can match the description that JRR Tolkien gives in his books, its just a whole different feel. After reading more and more about the movies i began to understand. There is no way in hell peter jackson could have made a perfect movie out of the books. He would have to have 3 movies, 3 hours each, for each of the 3 books. Thats like 18 hours of film. Thats completely out of the question, way too much money, no one would go see all 9 movies. Granted, they are still 3 hours long each, but thats what you need to at least get the feel of LOTR. After much debate i came to a conclusion. The movies arnt the books, but they are still amazing. Now i can read the books and watch the movies and get the best of both worlds. If you havent checked out the extended edition of the fellowship movie, you dont know what your missing, its awsome. saxgr8 is right about the time mag thing. The two towers is alot different from the book, but it keeps that lotr's feel. It did an awsome job i think. In the book boromirs brother (faramir) doesnt kidnap frodo and company, he actually is alot more honorable then they depicted him in the movie. He helps the hobbits and sets them on their way, before his company leaves the forbidden pool place. But there are alot of differences between book and film, i could go on for hours. In short, the movies dont not equal the books, they are two different (amazing) things, and each should be enjoyed seperate. Yes that means you should all read the books, they are amazing, and youll kill that year it will take to get The Return of The King movie.

Quote- "Gandalf returns (dont yell at me for ruining that because if you ever saw a preview you know he was going to come back)."
Yea that, and the fact that its been in print for 50 years...
As an avid LOTR fan ill explain everything plain and simple. I hated the first movie when i first saw it. The movies and the books are completely different. Nothing can match the description that JRR Tolkien gives in his books, its just a whole different feel. After reading more and more about the movies i began to understand. There is no way in hell peter jackson could have made a perfect movie out of the books. He would have to have 3 movies, 3 hours each, for each of the 3 books. Thats like 18 hours of film. Thats completely out of the question, way too much money, no one would go see all 9 movies. Granted, they are still 3 hours long each, but thats what you need to at least get the feel of LOTR. After much debate i came to a conclusion. The movies arnt the books, but they are still amazing. Now i can read the books and watch the movies and get the best of both worlds. If you havent checked out the extended edition of the fellowship movie, you dont know what your missing, its awsome. saxgr8 is right about the time mag thing. The two towers is alot different from the book, but it keeps that lotr's feel. It did an awsome job i think. In the book boromirs brother (faramir) doesnt kidnap frodo and company, he actually is alot more honorable then they depicted him in the movie. He helps the hobbits and sets them on their way, before his company leaves the forbidden pool place. But there are alot of differences between book and film, i could go on for hours. In short, the movies dont not equal the books, they are two different (amazing) things, and each should be enjoyed seperate. Yes that means you should all read the books, they are amazing, and youll kill that year it will take to get The Return of The King movie.
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i can understand why someone wouldn't like the movies if they didn't read the books. and also why someone wouldn't like the movies if they did read the book.
i thought it was entertaining for the most part, except golem is way over animated. i hate that. not as bad as jar jar. not even on the same level of bad actually. nowhere near.