WOOOOOOOOOOO! Finally!!! I am all better now, AND I got offered a job today. As I was sitting around playing a little Jade Empire (which is amazing btw) my phone rings, displaying an un-familiar number. I reluctantly answer it, and to my surprise, and excitement it was the talent recruiter from Electronic Arts calling to offer me work! I go in on tuesday to meet...
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Whoa! So I have been finally getting better, and the flu/cold evil thing I had is mostly gone. The cough is still lingering but I am doing much better. I actually have the motivation and energy to get up and do shit on my computer thats been waiting to get done for a while now. Its nice to finally be able to get out of...
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hang in there, don't get a job they suck ass and destroy your will to live, think outside the box?! seriously, did you know that 100% of people with jobs eventually die, so don't do it (its called bullshitting with statistics) anyway get well soon

glad youre feeling better.

Still feeling kinda craptastic today, but am slowly getting better finally. Only thing really exciting in my life right now is going to see batman with koleeta tomorrow. thats about it from me. I am going to lay on the couch some more and play xbox.

Enjoy watching batman with her
Which reminds me I want to see that. But it really isnt worth seeing in theaters. But itll take a forever to get out on video. Ah decisions.

Which reminds me I want to see that. But it really isnt worth seeing in theaters. But itll take a forever to get out on video. Ah decisions.

Got your app to SG Motorcycles. Please post in MY journal a little bit about what you ride, where, how long you've been riding, etc. If you don't currently ride, say something about why you should be a member of SGMC anyway. Anything to let me know you're actually interested in SGMC will do. If you know a current SGMC member, have him/her leave me a note in my journal.
Well today I woke up and actually feel better for once. My cough is down to a minimum and my sore throat is gone. I am still a bit achy from all the coughing and what not, but its a step in the right direction. I finally actually got some decent sleep last night (after a bit of tossing and turning and sweating) but all...
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Small update for tonight: Still really sick, cant sleep at night, coughing up the 7th level of hell, etc.
I have my interview tomorrow morning, please god let it go well. I need to job so bad at this point.
Thanks to those of you who have been checking up on me and wishing me the best. (you know who you are) It helps alot.
I have my interview tomorrow morning, please god let it go well. I need to job so bad at this point.
Thanks to those of you who have been checking up on me and wishing me the best. (you know who you are) It helps alot.
did you already have your interview?
sorry i didn't say hi yet, it was great to meet you guys too!!! needed more blood for that evil dead show though i thought. but maybe the show in october will have more!
So... I am still sick. The fever is gone now, but I have the worst cough known to man. It hurts so bad to breathe right now. All I can do to make it feel better is lay around and eat popsicles. I hate the cough, its the worst part ever. Coughing till you feel yourself gagging. UGH
But on a much better note, I...
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But on a much better note, I...
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feel better soon
good luck on the interview.

good luck on the interview.

Yesterday was an alright day. The sun was shining, and the weather was great, so I went and bummed around on the bike for a while looking for a new job. Got some good leads, filled out some applications and hopefully will hear back soon.
Last night was equally cooler, as I hung out at Zeitgeist with a bunch of my friends and Koleeta. Had...
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Last night was equally cooler, as I hung out at Zeitgeist with a bunch of my friends and Koleeta. Had...
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dude, if you get me sick...I dunno. I'll just be cranky or something.
good luck with that.
i miss San Francisco weather.... *sigh*
i miss San Francisco weather.... *sigh*
So last night was a ton of fun. Got to see Evil Dead Live with Koleeta and it was really cool. The show was a well abbreviated look at the 3 movies, and featured lots of gore, violence, and cheezy humor! Afterwards we went over to Kilowatt where I got to meet some more of the SGSF crowd, which was really cool.
Afterwards Koleeta and...
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Afterwards Koleeta and...
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So........ I wake up this morning at 7 freakin am.... and I cant fall back asleep. So I get up to find out that its raining.
I hate rain, and I have errands to run on the motorcycle today. Riding a motorcycle in the rain = the suck
Small update for right now, I'll add more in a bit.

Small update for right now, I'll add more in a bit.
i know how it goes man

pictures of all sorts of stuff
Finally back in San Francisco!!!
Had a nice 2 weeks visiting family in Wisconsin, and working the AMA Superbike race this past weekend. Its really nice to be back home though, as I was starting to miss the city and my friends and stuff.
Nothing else too exciting in the immediate future, just trying to find a job here the city, and hanging out for...
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Nothing else too exciting in the immediate future, just trying to find a job here the city, and hanging out for...
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I'm pretty sure there are still tickets availabe for Evil Dead Live. i mean i just bought mine an hour ago.