Well we have returned from the great adventure to the midwest. And it was a shitload of fun. I really wish we would have been able to stay longer, but I guess it makes it that much better when we get to back again.
The family absolutley loved the girlfriend, and loved having her around. It was great being able to introduce her to those... Read More
OK. So I've been tagged by Miss Bama to do some random 20 fact list about myself. Now I am not usually one to partake in these things, but since she filled hers out, I figured I would do mine.
So on with the greatest random 20 fact list of this century....
1. I started playing soccer at the age of 5. Played until I... Read More
Wet leaves, fireplaces, cool air, its all so pleasent.
Went for a nice ride on the motorcycle today, first time in a while that I have done that. It was really beautiful up in the hills, the leaves all changing colors and getting ready for winter.
After the ride I rode over to Industrial and got my ears pierced.... Read More
So its Friday night, almost Saturday. Only 2 1/2 more days until this agony ends. Alabama finally comes home on monday, and I am going insane. Shes called a few times from Italy, and its like heaven to hear her voice, but I miss her so much its driving my crazy.
So thats about it for my update, I will trudge through these next few... Read More
So its nearly Wednesday, and I am getting so anxious for my girl to get back that its driving me nuts. I have 5 days left until she comes back, and I hope those days go by quick. I have to say I've done pretty good though, tried to keep myself busy, and with how much I am working thats not too hard. But I... Read More
So I am sitting in my own home for the first time in 2 months basically. I have sent my beautiful amazing girlfriend off to Italy for her competition were she will do wonderful things. I was a little sad for a while, but now I am doin better, and really happy for her and cant wait to hear from her.
And #3 is around the corner!