So, here's the general overview of what happened at Dragoncon. The pics will be up as soon as I clear up enough room on my drive to run Photoshop and can cut them down to being small enough. Currently each pic is 1.5 to 2.5 megs, so they're a tad too large for the pics section (and also giving me a chance to 'shop the only picture of me in the set which just had to have my shirt mysteriously open with my gut hanging out.)
So, we scored on a free room upgrade because of a dead pigeon. Seem they were going to leave an amazing room unrented because there was a dead pigeon outside the window and the windows don't open that high up. But with a good contact inside Mariott we got it. It's amazing luck that of the only 4 big suites in the whole hotel with handicaped accessable bathrooms, the pigeon room just happened to be one of them - it's like it was meant to be.
Nothing really interesting happened that isn't better communicated with the pictures until my cousin decided to make use of the massive conference table in the room and called over his poker buddies for an all night game.
Saturday, I got to see all the mythbusters who didn't make it in on Friday because their plane caught on fire, and their blooper/not for TV reel finally settled for me the age old myth that "Girls don't fart". But apparently they do giggle incessantly when you talk about siemens.
That's also the only time I used my cripple pass that let me cut in line; not because I wanted to cheat, but because the line went down a narrow hallway and up a flight of stairs.
I was really stoked about the naughty costume contest and won a free hat during the preliminaries by identifying the quote "You got to shave before you leave the house in a dress like that....and I don't mean your legs". The contest was good and extra naughty, but the aftermath kinda sucked. Any politeness you get from people goes away when half-naked women are involved. If you look at the pics you'll see that the Saturday night pictures tend to be from a low angle and off to the side - that is when I actually managed to get one without being elbowed in the face. I missed out on any pics of the 1st and 2nd place winners (ie the girls dressing in nothing but thongs and body paint), and eventually gave up on taking any more pictures given how inconveniently crowded it was. Although I did get a nice helper who volunteered to get me through the crowd. Her theory was that if she was drunk and walking backwards no one could get mad if she knocked them out of the way. It seemed to work well enough to get me where I needed to go, so I didn't ask too many questions.
Sunday was sweet. Lots of pics taken, and we decided to try to eliminate all our remaining liqueur by having a party. So we split up. I went around taking more pictures and passing out little pieces of paper with our room number on it after asking the very leading question, "Do you like free booze?" Another guy put on my El Santo mask and went to one of the dances without his shirt and invited all the people who wanted to pose with him. And then the last of us, my roommate who was wearing my monkey hat, got the bright idea to write the room number on some plastic dubloons and start handing those out.
At the peak, we had 40-50 people in one hotel room. And we learned it's not really a party until Buddy Christ shows up. It's also not really a party until the cops show up, and in just under 2 hours we were informed that 1 more noise complaint would get us tossed from the hotel. Personally, I blame the stupid underage kids who thought it would be a good idea to bang on the doors of the adjoining rooms. That's why there's a drinking age - some people are just fucking morons.
But even then, I'd call the party a success.
Monday was lazy. I saw the mythbusters yet again. Then I just roamed around and spent all my remaing money. I also recognized and spoke to a crossdressing camwhore from another site, so that was really cool. I finally got out of there around 5:30 after the last panels finished.
I didn't get around to writing this until now because my friend ran off with the laptop that had all my pictures on it, but I've been trying to catch up on sleep all week anyway.
That's it. Pretty dull to describe, but sweet as hell to be there.
So, we scored on a free room upgrade because of a dead pigeon. Seem they were going to leave an amazing room unrented because there was a dead pigeon outside the window and the windows don't open that high up. But with a good contact inside Mariott we got it. It's amazing luck that of the only 4 big suites in the whole hotel with handicaped accessable bathrooms, the pigeon room just happened to be one of them - it's like it was meant to be.
Nothing really interesting happened that isn't better communicated with the pictures until my cousin decided to make use of the massive conference table in the room and called over his poker buddies for an all night game.
Saturday, I got to see all the mythbusters who didn't make it in on Friday because their plane caught on fire, and their blooper/not for TV reel finally settled for me the age old myth that "Girls don't fart". But apparently they do giggle incessantly when you talk about siemens.
That's also the only time I used my cripple pass that let me cut in line; not because I wanted to cheat, but because the line went down a narrow hallway and up a flight of stairs.
I was really stoked about the naughty costume contest and won a free hat during the preliminaries by identifying the quote "You got to shave before you leave the house in a dress like that....and I don't mean your legs". The contest was good and extra naughty, but the aftermath kinda sucked. Any politeness you get from people goes away when half-naked women are involved. If you look at the pics you'll see that the Saturday night pictures tend to be from a low angle and off to the side - that is when I actually managed to get one without being elbowed in the face. I missed out on any pics of the 1st and 2nd place winners (ie the girls dressing in nothing but thongs and body paint), and eventually gave up on taking any more pictures given how inconveniently crowded it was. Although I did get a nice helper who volunteered to get me through the crowd. Her theory was that if she was drunk and walking backwards no one could get mad if she knocked them out of the way. It seemed to work well enough to get me where I needed to go, so I didn't ask too many questions.
Sunday was sweet. Lots of pics taken, and we decided to try to eliminate all our remaining liqueur by having a party. So we split up. I went around taking more pictures and passing out little pieces of paper with our room number on it after asking the very leading question, "Do you like free booze?" Another guy put on my El Santo mask and went to one of the dances without his shirt and invited all the people who wanted to pose with him. And then the last of us, my roommate who was wearing my monkey hat, got the bright idea to write the room number on some plastic dubloons and start handing those out.
At the peak, we had 40-50 people in one hotel room. And we learned it's not really a party until Buddy Christ shows up. It's also not really a party until the cops show up, and in just under 2 hours we were informed that 1 more noise complaint would get us tossed from the hotel. Personally, I blame the stupid underage kids who thought it would be a good idea to bang on the doors of the adjoining rooms. That's why there's a drinking age - some people are just fucking morons.
But even then, I'd call the party a success.
Monday was lazy. I saw the mythbusters yet again. Then I just roamed around and spent all my remaing money. I also recognized and spoke to a crossdressing camwhore from another site, so that was really cool. I finally got out of there around 5:30 after the last panels finished.
I didn't get around to writing this until now because my friend ran off with the laptop that had all my pictures on it, but I've been trying to catch up on sleep all week anyway.
That's it. Pretty dull to describe, but sweet as hell to be there.
Happy Birthday!
happy birthday