Its been a sad day today...
My friend who has been trying to kick her illness' ass, unfortunatley lost, and now she is with the fairys, playing hop-skotch, and dancing in the flowers....
I found out earlier, and tears ran down my face, like they were trying to run away from the pain and hurt....
What is life without friends?
Jack shit, thats what....
She is somewhere around, i cant see her, but i know she is here... watching my every move, not judging, but trying to guide me from her invisible seat next to me...
As she is physically gone, so she takes a piece of my heart, along with her on the journey she is about ot embark....
Now im left, broken hearted at the departure of my dear friend....
I dont know what to do with myself, apart from write complete and utter rondom bullshit.....
Im trying to keep happy, but i cant help wonder how life is so very short, and you have to embrace it, as before you know it, it will be gone...Just like that....
No regrets
I miss you Amy.
R.I.P (23/01/1984 - 29/11/2006)
Not gone forever.
Forever in my heart.
My friend who has been trying to kick her illness' ass, unfortunatley lost, and now she is with the fairys, playing hop-skotch, and dancing in the flowers....
I found out earlier, and tears ran down my face, like they were trying to run away from the pain and hurt....
What is life without friends?
Jack shit, thats what....
She is somewhere around, i cant see her, but i know she is here... watching my every move, not judging, but trying to guide me from her invisible seat next to me...
As she is physically gone, so she takes a piece of my heart, along with her on the journey she is about ot embark....
Now im left, broken hearted at the departure of my dear friend....
I dont know what to do with myself, apart from write complete and utter rondom bullshit.....
Im trying to keep happy, but i cant help wonder how life is so very short, and you have to embrace it, as before you know it, it will be gone...Just like that....
No regrets
I miss you Amy.
R.I.P (23/01/1984 - 29/11/2006)
Not gone forever.
Forever in my heart.

Sorry to hear about this... all as said above

i'm so sorry to hear about your loss homie. life is short and in the blink of an eye it can be taken away. you said everything that i think about the people i have lost in my life. just keep your head up. you have support from us too. just remember that. i hope all is well with you, beautiful lady.