en ik mijn mannetje...we gaaan gelijk op...

en truitje is van kempwinkel

druk met van alles, maar wou je ff heel veel plezier wensen met je sweetheart
- volgens mij zijn jullie rond deze tijd weer samen.

die tattoo die bewerkt gaat worden nog wel naar mn blog, zag dat hij
er niet in staat. die heb je nog tegoed :-)
en tja, wat betreft de LAT-relatie, het ultieme cliche geldt; het leven is kort.
als het goed voelt, ga drvoor. ik heb nog steeds geen spijt :-)
alles goed verder? kzag dat jullie je 2 month anniversary hebben gehad,
alsnog gefeliciteerd :-)

Don't get me wrong. I love my folks but I wanna be sharing every little thing with you.
Wanna be silly on this all Hallow's eve by your side.

But it's not long at all until Germany.
Man I cant wait!!
Happy Halloween to you baby!!

And me and Balloons!
I love you baby!!

Just to make myself giggle again before bed I looked this up:

I'm off to bed so will write you something long and decent and loving abd maybe a little dirty

Love you baby!!

Guess SG chilled out long enough for you to send that then.

Getting up in the mornings has never been easy for me. Seems like it only is when I'm with you but I've had no choice with the dogs wanting to go out at the break of dawn. They woke me up 2 o'clock this morning barking at nothing. Stupid animals!!

Oh yeah, you were saying about walking the dogs with me? Have you got any waterproof or walking boots? It gets mega muddy in that field and your trainers will die! What shoe size are you? You might be able to borrow my dad's wellies if you're the same size. Not the most flattering of footwear but essential when it gets that wet and muddy.

We sometimes get snow here. More up here than where I used to live but for some reason it refuses to snow at Xmas. Which kinda sucks but hey. You might be lucky.
So I'm just writing this quick and then back to tidying and such.

As for writing something dirty. Well, I'll write that in a private window.

Speak to you tonight baby!
Miss you, love you, want you by my side always.

Sorry van de late reactie, behalve wat naar naakte dames kijken heb
ik niet veel gedaan op SG ofwel niet veel te melden gehad. I'm sorry.. Don't hate me!
Over naar de orde van de dag:
Da's kut van die conventie - heb je een keer een vrije dag, krijg je dat. Blij dat je je toch nog hebt weten te vermaken. Wat is in jouw ogen een beetje een goede conventie? Op de een of andere manier mis ik de leuke altijd, maar eerlijk gezegd weet ik ook niet welke ik zou moeten bezoeken..
Begin november heb ik weer een tattoo-afspraak, de vorige was middenin de hittegolf en ik was nogal beroerd van de 40 graden-temperatuur die op mn werk hing, dus heb ik toen mn afspraak afgezegd omdat ik het gewoon geen goede omstandigheden vond om me te laten prikken. Hopen dat deze doorgaat !
Verder heb ik niet zoveel (ben nog aan t wakkerworden), niks dat je niet straks in mn journal kan lezen.. Hoe is het met de site van.. eh.. Britain?? Makkelijke te verwarren hahaha. Nou ja, ik was laatst in London (de winkel) dus dat zal er wel de oorzaak van zijn geweest..
En hoe is t met jou in general? Ga je je meisje nu al zien of zijn jullie al weer samen?

I guess for earlier this week it's been okay os I knew I was gonna see you soon as you were home again. And yes, I'm crying like the big girl I am. But I guess that just shows how much you mean to me.
This has been a truly wonderful week for me. Probably because it's been such a normal week. You working, doing things together in the evenings and on your days off. Felt like how our life together in the future is gonna be like. I like our future.

I am soooo gonna miss waking up next to you in the morning.
But hopefully soon you'll check the rosta's at your work and we'll get our next visit sorted a.s.a.p.

Can't wait to see you already.
I love you so much baby. You came into my life at a time I'd given up on the idea of being in love. You've made me remember and given me a love that's so much more than anything I've ever known before.
The lamps are just a little start to a life we will share completely one day.
Man, I sound so mushy! lol!!!
It's just cos I love you.

Well, thats not what I meant but I can make it so.

My bid for today:
Hope you had a good breakfast!!
Love you baby!!
I'm gonna have to reach into my magic box of spoliers and find a really good one.

Looooove you!!

As for waking up horny, please, don't ever apologise for that. I'm just jealous I wasn' there to *cough* help you out

Just a short note babe as I gotta go do the shower, suit and my face thing before I head off. I feel quite calm about this interview today as I'm not too sure I really want this job anyways so we'll see. The interview prep thing makes me more nervous as they'll keep telling me all this stuff and I'll just get confused and not be me in the interview. I can see it now! But then they'll only have themselves to blame!! lol!!
Right, shower!! And maybe more tabs. My tummy's making funny sounds again.

22 Sleeps to go!!!
Love you baby!

Waar komen al die stukkies aan het begin van je blog vandaan? Heeel
domme vraag misschien, maar ik weet t echt niet.
En als antwoord op je vragen:
- ik woon in de Bollenstreek (kom er niet vandaan, maar wel terecht gekomen)
-wat ik heb gekookt zaterdag: patatjes!! Nou ja, de vrouw van de snackbar eigenlijk,
maar da's een detail. Ik had echt geen zin meer om te koken, veel te moe.
ehhhhhhhhh hoe is t verder??

Last night was perfect, so was this morning and I'm sure tonight will be too. I feel complete around you. Very strange as indeed we've not known each other that long but hey, who are we to argue with our hearts?!
Starchildren? Why yes, I believe we are. Most people don't really undertsnad me, not all of me, just parts. So far, you seem to 'get' all of me, so, starchildren must be the answer.

I love you baby!! Part of me wants to be loacked in so I can't go Monday.

But we'll make best use of the days we have

Wish you didn't have to work today but it does mean I'll be over the moon to see you tonight.

I really do love you baby so don't worry so much about scaring me off or any such silliness. Hm'kay?!

I bloody love you though!

This for me is my favourite:

This one makes me smile and makes me go

Have a lovely day tomorrow sweetie!

No riding tonight as it was raining and everyone but me and Vinny were too drunk to ride anyways, so we ended up in a club instead. I ended up dancing to loads of old skool funk music. It was cool except my friend Wayne says I always look stiff and unhappy when dancing so he was making me do VERY silly dances the whole time. Was funny though and I had a lot of fun. I just really didn't fit in at all in this club and lots of people were staring. I suppose looking like this
in a club full of people wearing smart shirts and shoes and little skirts and little tops didn't really help!! lol!!
I saw a lot of people I didnt think I'd see before I left so it was nice to see them. Some are getting married soon, which is soooo cool. They have a baby girl called Belle!! lol! Not after me tho!
I also saw my ex fiance, which was quite a shock. He's doing good and such. Just not sure how the chat went with him really. We've grown apart so much it's weird now trying to imagine us together. He looked a little embarassed to be talking with me at one point when his mates started taking the piss out of my ink but I think one of them put two and two together and realised who I was so made the others move and leave us alone to talk.
It does seriously suck you working Sunday this week. Far too long a week!! I'm going have to start all of that again with this new job. I'm not looking forward to it but hey, it'll pay the bills.
Well, hope you're having the bestest of dreams right now and have a fab day tomorrow. I'll be curled up right there next to you in a bit.
and I agree, your gal is the beautifullest amazingest wonderfullest awesomest sexiest lady in the world!!
(next to me ^___~ Just joshin'!!)